Origins Of Olympus (Backrooms AU)

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(I used both a randomizer wheel and my own choice to choose characters)

(set in season two)

Cal, Magnus and Inpu are entities, having been pulled into the backrooms without warning the backrooms twisted their forms due to them not having the proper survival gene, normally it wouldn't have mattered but due to them only having one part human DNA and the other being gods blood it twisted them into sentient, humanoid versions of smilers and frowners. 

the humanoid entities have their normal skin tone up to their face, their face has the features of a smiler or frowner and the shadows are white instead of black, their skin is pitch black and absorbs most light, except for the light admitted by their features and shadows.

The humanoid entities still retain memories and their personalities, they lost their demigod powers and gained the power to no-clip on command but cannot control where they go, the only thing they can control is whether they stay together or not and can take humans with them, they are able to be seen in levels where survivors cannot see each other because their technically not human anymore.

when separated the three entities know exactly what level the others are on and how to get to them, depending on the entity they can either be ignored or attacked but due to them being entities they can easily outrun most other entities.

Cal is much weaker then the other two due to not having learned most of their magic before coming to the backrooms, hes slightly slower and weaker and cannot no-clip long distances, the others will have to grab him before no-clipping so hes able to keep up.

they can normally no-clip to each other despite not being able to control it, if they will it hard enough they can no-clip closer to each other.

Cal and Impu are both smilers and are often attacked by frowners and rattlers, meanwhile Magnus is a frowner and is often attacked by smilers and by skin stealers, they stick close together to try to diminish the violent behavior of smilers and frowners.

the humanoid entities have a natural blood lust that usually would cause them to attack or be aggressive to wanderers, most of the time they can repress the urge to rip the human limb from limb and if one cannot the others can keep them contained until they calm down enough to be let go.

Xylo, Ricarro, Momiji and Nad are survivors, having the survival gene that prevented them from being twisted into entity pretzel, Ricarro got separated from the group within the first month and was able to survive on his own for a week before Cal found him and is now protecting him, his blood lust being completely muffled by his instinct to protect his friend.

Inpu and Magnus found the group of wanderers when they were looking for Ricarro on level five, Xylo nearly killed Impu thinking he was a normal smiler when they first ran into him, luckily Inpu was quick enough to dodge the son of Hades sword, the group was nervous about traveling with the twins due to them being entities but trusted them enough due to knowing them before they became entities.

Inpu and Magnus have been traveling with the survivors for almost as long as Cal has been traveling with Ricarro, their blood lust is also slightly muffled when with their friends but often have to take breaks away from them to prevent themselves killing them, one of the twins will stay with the group well the other takes a break so they can refind the group after their break.

Cal, Magnus and Impu cannot meet back up with each other via no-clipping due to traveling with humans, if something goes wrong well no-clipping with such a large group of humans they could be taken to level "you cheated" and do not want to risk it unless necessary or in a life or death situation, Cal no-clips more often due to being able to carry Ricarro well no-clipping, it makes it easier to get them from point A to point B without the levels realizing that he has a human with him.

the survivors + Inpu and Magnus are always moving due to avoiding entities and violent humans, due to this Cal cannot no-clip to them, their much to far away and Cal cannot go far distances, especially with taking Ricarro with him and often has to take breaks.

the entities have walkie talkies that only work on levels with wifi, if one has wifi the other can be connected with it, once entering a new level they always check the walkie talkies whether the level has wifi or not, occasionally when their able to talk they update each other on what level their on and how close they are to the set meeting point they set, the twins did not tell their group about Cal due to how they reacted to them being entities, they plan on getting them to the meeting point and coming up with an excuse of finding a rare item exclusive to the level well waiting for Cal and Ricarro.

when Cal takes breaks he has to take Ricarro to a safe level or find a hiding spot or else he cannot, once he finds a safe place he literally shuts down, sleeping for twenty-four hours before waking back up, Ricarro wandered off once and couldn't find him for an hour, luckily he was able to find him again, he doesn't wander off anymore.

the twins do have to eat and rest but not as often as humans, Cal is different, depending on how much he no-clips he will either have to rest less then the twins or for much longer, Cal does not need to eat and drinks almond water instead so he doesn't have to.

the twins despite being a smiler and frowner do not have the instinctual urge to kill each other that the normal entities have, surprisingly instead they are more protective over each other instead which is surprising but in Cal's words "at least your not trying to eat each other-".

Cal on the other hand has to be careful, Magnus cares for him but if he were to accidentally hurt Inpu he better start running, thats actually why they they separated in the first place, Cal tripped on an abandoned bottle of liquid pain and ran into Inpu, knocking him down in the process, Magnus thought he had attacked their brother and nearly beat the shit out of him, Cal no-clipped away before he could be attacked and later after Inpu explained what happened Magnus realized, they have have issues, by the time they were able to contact each other they had found their groups and couldn't no clip to each other.

Cal is still nervous about meeting back up with the twins, hes worried that Magnus is going to murder him when they reach each other, Ricarro on the other hand knows that the Anubis twins are traveling with the survivors and is very excited to meet back up with the group.

(I put a lot of thought into this one, let me know if you would want a story or a book on this idea and as always, I hope you guys liked the story, Please leave a comment, I love hearing from you all! please have a great day/night!)

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