Little Cabbage

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Third Pov


Everyone stared in shock and confusion as the young girl jumped into the arms of the older woman hugging her tightly. They were even more confused when she started speaking Russian. "Дженни, что ты здесь делаешь? Я так скучал по тебе мама," (Jenny what are you doing here? I've missed you so much mama)

"Ok what is happening?" Chirs finally asked.

"You speak Russian?" Scarlett questioned. Laura nodded her head with a large smile on her face.

"I've known Jenny since I was six. She taught me Russian so we could talk without anyone understanding. It's one of the reasons I got this role actually." Jenny nodded in agreement with her.

"Did you call her mom?" Lizzy asked getting the others attention since they hadn't noticed. Laura's cheeks grew a small blush she cleared her throat a little before replying.

"Well Jenny has always been like a mother figure to me so I just kinda randomly started calling her mama and she never corrected me, so I never stopped. I haven't seen her for almost three years, so I got a little excited" she said as Jenny brought her back into a side hug rubbing her shoulder a little.

"Селена здесь, она один из стилистов. Она должна быть здесь через несколько минут."(Selena's here to. She's one of the stylists.) Jenny said with a small smirk.

"Действительно!"(Really) The others watched as Laura's face lit up with excitement.

"Да, я только что написал ей, так что она должна быть здесь через несколько минут." (Yep, I just texted her so she should be here in a few minutes)

"да!" (Yes!) Laura cheered. The others watched confused as Laura began smiling uncontrollably.

"What just happened," Chris said making Scarlett smack him on the arm.

"My daughter Selena is one of the stylists here, her and Laura are like sisters, and I just told her she is coming to say hi," Jenny said answering some of the questions going on in their heads.

Just then a young woman with dirty blond hair and pale green eyes walked in. She was wearing high waisted jeans and a short black shirt with puffy sleeves. "Ceci!" Laura sprinted over to the woman jumping in her arms. The woman laughed as Laura clung to her like a koala, hiding her face in the crook of her neck.

"Hey little cabbage," The girl laughed. A muffled 'I missed you' could be heard from the teen who was still clinging to the woman for dear life. Eventually, Laura lets go and slides of the girl and they both walk over to the others.

"Hey hun," Jenny pulls the young woman into a hug.

"Hey mom," She turned to the others who were all slightly confused on what was happening. "Hi, I'm Selena, it's nice to meet you all," She gives them a warm smile.

"It's nice you to," Lizzy said giving her a smile in return.

"I'm sorry but how old are you because you," Chris points to Jenny, "look far too young to be her mom," He finished.

"Chris you can't just say things like that it's rude!" Scarlett scolds him.

"No, it's fine we get that a lot," Jenny laughed a little. "I actually adopted her and my son when they were 17. I was only 28 at the time and my husband was 30," she said smiling fondly at the memory.

"Man, that was ten years ago," Selena added.

"I know all my babies have grown up on me, I mean even Laura has, she was just six years old when that happened," This made Scarlett's heart ache and long for her baby girl. She would never get to see her grow up. Sure, she had Rose, but she couldn't stop thinking about her little June Bug who was taken away from her too soon. She was brought out of her thoughts by Selena speaking up.

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