The Truth

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Laura's Pov
Today's the day! The sun is shining! The tank is clean! *gasp* The tank is clean! Great now I'm quoting Finding Nemo. Story of my ADHD life.

"It's fine everything is going to be fine. You've done this plenty of times before. The only difference is that you're telling it to one of the most famous and influential actresses in the world. And the fact that you're the one that you have to say you found," I paced around my room just like I had been the past ten minutes. "And now I'm talking to myself again. Great love that for myself," I sighed, placing my hands on my hips as I looked over at my desk. On it laid a copy of the DNA test which wasn't blacked out, it was placed next to my laptop which had a new email from John regarding my kidnapper's arrest. It also had a court date. He had gotten in touch with Scarlett's lawyers, and they figured out a date since it couldn't be pushed back which is why I need to tell Scarlett today. We were going to have to fly out to Washington for the hearing which was nice because it meant I can grab some more of my personal belongings from home. I would also get to see Talia again which was bittersweet, knowing that I'll most likely be moving in Scarlett, so I won't get to see her as much anymore.

I talked to Rose and convinced her to ask Scarlett to let her visit her grandparents so now she's leaving within the hour giving me and Scarlett some time alone. She had already asked if we could go out and do some shopping at the mall since she needed some new clothes. I agreed knowing it would give me a little more time to think about how I want to say this to her. Man, I sound like I'm planning on breaking up with her or something.

*time skip Dave asked out Dottie and she said yes!*

Third Pov

Rose had been picked up and Scarlett and Laura were in the car driving to the mall. They were listening to music while talking about different things.

"If someone from Cuba and someone from Iceland have a child is that child an ice cube?" Laura asked randomly making Scarlett's brain pause trying to comprehend what she had just heard.

"What is that logic," she laughed at the teen.

"I dunno I can't control what my brain comes up with," Laura shrugged her shoulders making Scarlett chuckle.

They drove for a little while longer before arriving at the large building. Scarlett parked the car and put on a hat and sunglass they began walking inside the building. They walked around for about 30 minuets before they passed the food court.

"Holy mother of rectangles!" Laura half shouted startling Scarlett.

"What? What's wrong?" Scarlett panicked.

"There are hot dog pretzels," she said calmly pointing over to an Auntie Anne's pretzels stand.

"Oh my gosh don't do that, you almost gave me a heart attack," Scarlett let out a breath, placing her hand over her heart.

"Heh sorry... can we get pretzels?" Laura put on the cute puppy eyes she could muster, making Scarlett instantly cave.

"Yes, we can pretzels," she sighed.

Laura did a little happy dance before grabbing the older woman's hand and dragging her over to the stand. Once they were given their pretzels and lemonade slushie, Laura immediately dug in, sighing happily.

"Are you happy with your pretzels?" Laura nodded her head, biting into another pretzel bite.

"Oh no," she frowned.


"The hot dog fell out," Laura held up the empty pretzel before shrugging and popping it in her mouth.

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