I Found Her

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Laura's Pov
"I found her," a sentence I have said so many times, yet I never thought I would be saying it about myself.

I watched as Scarlett paused for a moment, trying to grasp what she had just heard. Her face paled slightly, and her eyes glossed over my words finally setting in.

"She's alive and healthy, the police have already arrested David and Vallerie and she has been made aware of the situation," Scarlett's body physically relaxed at my words. I could tell she was overthinking things. After finding out the results I ended up calling John and sending him to arrest my parents. They were in custody and from what I have heard from John, they're not happy. But honestly, I couldn't care less. I had come clean on some of the abuse and sent over all the evidence they would need so I will have to speak in court about what happened.

"She has asked that her identity remain secret for the time being, just until it's settled down a little, it's a lot to take in," I continued.

Scarlett nodded her pointer finger pressed under her nose, her thumb on her lip while the other fingers fidgeted as if they couldn't sit still. Tears were now falling freely leaving silver streaks across her now flushed face. Her other hand was still shakily holding the paper as her eye's raked over the words not fully believing what was written. Suddenly she got up and engulfed me in a hug. Her body was warm, the smell of vanilla overwhelming me. Her body trembled slightly as she held me close, her tears soaking into the collar of my shirt.

"Thank you,"

Scarlett's Pov
"I found her," my brain stopped working not processing the three words I have been waiting to hear for 15 years.

Her words echoed in my head as my vision began to blur, finally grasping what they meant. She did it. She found my baby girl, 15 years of searching and it's all over now. My happiness was short-lived as my worry took control. My heart was racing. What if she's not alive? What if she's hurt? What if she never wants to see me?

"She's alive and healthy, the police have already arrested David and Vallerie and she has been made aware of the situation," a wave of relief washed over me. Over time I had come up with so many different scenarios, they haunted me every day, but I couldn't stop.

"She has asked that her identity remain secret for the time being, just until it's settled down a little, it's a lot to take in," my smile faltered slightly. I gave her a nod looking over the page again. It didn't feel real. I can understand why she wouldn't want to meet quite yet but it didn't stop that pang of hurt and anxiety that shot through my heart.

I stood up, my legs shaking and pulled Laura into my arms. She did it. She found my little girl after only a week of searching. Tears of happiness streamed down my face and soaked into her shirt.

"Thank you,"

*time skip Dave ran into Dottie at the park and she loves his puppy*

Today Rose is coming home from her fathers. Chris also called earlier asking if he could come over to visit with Rose since he hasn't seen her in a while which I obviously agreed to. Now I'm getting ready to go to the airport while waiting for Chris to get here since he offered to drive us.

"Laura, are you ready to go sweetheart?" I called up the stairs.

"I'm right here Scar," Laura said from beside me, making me jump.

"Oh, I didn't see you," I laughed, making her giggle. "Are you ready to go?" I asked brushing some of the hair out of her face and behind her ear.

"Actually, I was thinking I might just stay back," she admitted shyly.

"Are you sure kiddo? Is everything ok?" I was worried I had done something to upset her. She's been a little more distant from me recently and I can't figure out why.

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