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So cold.

So hungry.

I don't know how long it's been since I ran from home.

Five days?

Three weeks?

Time seems to go by so slowly for me.

I miss my bed.

I miss my father.

I miss Haru and Momoji.

I miss Hatori and Ayame.

I miss Yuki and Kyo.

I miss Tohru.

But I can't go back there. I can't go home. I can't bare another day living in fear that's Akito. Their cruel eyes bore into mine before smacking me across the face for something I can't control. Akito has always hated me when I was born, only because I took my father's zodiac away from him.

My father, Shigure, was cursed with the dog zodiac. When I was born, it was by some miracle that the curse broke for him but sadly jumped to me. No one could explain why, but that made Akito furious. Her exact words were 'You shouldn't have been a zodiac.'

The constant beatings I've received from that woman still haunt me to this day. Yes, I know Akito's a girl and I swore my father that I wouldn't tell the other zodiacs. I can't imagine what Akito would do to me even if I did tell someone.

That's one of the many reasons I ran away. I just couldn't take another day just thinking about that woman. My father always tried his best to comfort me and heal my wounds but it really hurts because I can never hug him without turning into a dog. He couldn't even hold me after mother gave birth.

I don't even know who she is. Akito made sure to have my mother's memory erased and left. It was her way as some sick punishment for my father for having someone important in his life. I even question his insanity when I found out he had a small infatuation with Akito. I don't even know if he'll look for me or just leave me be because of her.

It's been three days since I left anyway, so I'm starting to think it's the second option.

There was no place I had in mind anyway. I just kept going until everything just stopped hurting. I don't know where I am. I'm too tired and hungry to think at the moment.

I looked around until my eyes found a small coffee shop. I don't have money but maybe I could just ask for water to at least clench my thirst. Hopefully, the barista is nice enough to give me a cup and not kick me out.

The aroma of the coffee filled my nostrils along with the pastries. I didn't even notice a few pairs of eyes looking at me as I made my way to the counter.

"Excuse me?" I called the cashier. "I - I don't have any money, but if - if it's not too much trouble, could I bug you for some water."

There was a loud exaggerated gasp. I didn't know what was going on and felt something grab my hand.

"A reason to live?" I heard next to me. I jumped when I felt the stranger begin rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb. "No, a reason I'd kept on living till now." What's going on? "That's right. I've lived to this day so that I can be in a double suicide with you."

Double suicide?!

"I'm sure of it," the man said. My cheeks began to warm up. "Ah, bella donna. Would you be willing to join me in a double suicide?"


The man in front of me was punched away by someone in glasses. "You troublesome blockhead!" he shouted as the cashier placed a water cup in front of me.

"Here you go. Sorry about him," she smiled.

"Thank you very much," I told her before taking chugging the cup. Oh, man, I never realized how thirsty I am as I gently set the cup back down. I went to leave but that weird guy from earlier blocked the exit. Good thing, I didn't walk further, or else I would have bumped into him. "Excuse me."

"You don't have money with you?" he asked. "Are you hungry? I can get you something."

My eyes widened at his kind offer but I tried to decline. "Oh, no, thank you. That's very kind of you, but I'm not that hungry at all." My stomach gave me away as it began growling. I let out a tired sigh. "Ok, maybe a little. But I don't want to bother you."

"It's no bother at all." My heart began to hammer against my chest as he tried to wrap his arm around me. "Kunikida would gladly pay for your meal."

"Stop offering people my money, Dazai!" Kunikida yelled from his spot on the table.

I ducked under Dazai's arm as I made my way over. "Then, I should be thanking you, instead," I said. I gave a slight bow to Kunikida. "Thank you."

Kunikida sighed as he adjusted his glasses. "Since he already offered, go ahead and order," he said.

I didn't know where to sit. There were three empty spots left. One was near Kunikida but if I sit next to him then I'll be squished between him and Dazai. But there was another empty spot near their friend with white hair, who looked nervous. I decided to sit next to him.

"I'm sorry about Dazai," he said before introducing himself. "I'm Atsushi."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Hiromi Sohma."


A/N: This is just a test run for the book. I'm not entirely sure if I'm going to keep it but let me know what you think.

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