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Kunikida was kind enough to show me around the agency. He explained very clearly about my position at the agency. He even apologized in advance for any work Dazai might give me because the bonehead would most likely slack off. I did get the basics down and I'm trying to do a great job, but it's a bit hard because Dazai decides to sit right next to me to "shadow." His stare made me uncomfortable because I would tense up and mess up a few words whenever I typed. He noticed a few minutes later and tried to make conversation.

Everyone in the office was startled when Dazai started to laugh like a maniac. He was doubled over while holding his stomach and even went as far as slapping his knee.

"What did you say to him?" Atsushi wondered a bit nervously.

Half my face was blue when I said, "I only told him how Toru knew my family secret."

"It must be pretty funny if he's laughing like that."

I shook my head. "It's not." 

At this point, Dazai is leaning against his arm and banging his fist on the desk. "He just fell through the roof!" he laughed. "Talk about an entrance!"

Atsushi looked at me for an explanation. "My friend, Toru, was moving in with me. Yuki and I were showing her her room when Kyo fell through the ceiling to challenge Yuki to a fight."

"A fight?!" Atsushi freaked out.

I nodded. "Yeah, Yuki is Kyo's rival. Kyo would challenge him to a fight every day, yet he always loses."

"Tell him the best part!" Dazai panted. "What Zodiacs are they?"

Letting out a tired - and annoyed - breath I said, "Kyo's the cat, and Yuki's the rat."

"Cat and rat! That's hilarious. Common enemies to the animal world are actual enemies in real life!"

I raised my hand toward Kunikida. He didn't look up from his notebook as he gave me the "go ahead" nod. I took a deep breath before kicking Dazai away from me. His body went flying across the room until he crashed next to the door. Everyone else looked unaffected by it except for Atsushi. I nearly jumped back when Dazai spun my chair around so I was facing him. I thought he would be angry with me and frustrated, but he was smiling at me. His hands were placed on each of my armrests so he was caging me in. I could feel his breath fanning my face, which made my cheeks warm up. He was so close that I swore I would turn into a dog at any moment.

"That was an amazing kick!" he praised. He grabbed my hand and gently placed it on his collarbone. My face is heating up to the point it's completely red as my heart is hammering against my chest. "Try aiming here next time."

I leaped out of my chair and landed behind Yosano then wrapped my arms around her, my dog ears coming out. "Noted!" I shrieked. I looked at Kunikida. "Am I allowed to switch seats?"

"No," Ranpo answered instead as he took a lollipop out of his mouth. "I would have switched with you. Your desk has more room for my snacks."

"Hiromi," Atsushi called out. "I thought you turn into a dog whenever you hug someone."

I slowly pulled away from Yosano. "That's only the males. I can hug females just fine," I explained. I sighed as I sat on top of her desk. "Usually, the rules don't affect the other male Zodiacs, but I'm a special case for some reason. At first, we thought it was just my dad I couldn't hug until I hugged Haru one day and turned into a dog." Another thing Akito likes to rub in my face. "I can't hug any males, whether they're a Zodiac or not."

"Except for me," Dazai sang as he appeared behind me again. His hands lit up while he yanked me into his arms. My back was pressed against his chest as I fought another blush from appearing on my face. "This means we belong with each other, Hiromi!"

"It doesn't mean anything!" I shouted. "Now, get off me!"

Yosano chuckled and said, "He just feels honored, Hiromi."

"This is a blessing!" Dazai added.

"More like a curse," I muttered.


My first day at the agency wasn't all that bad. I managed to get my work done and got to know more people from the agency. I learned more about their special abilities, which really fascinates me. I feel so lucky to be working with them. That is until I arrived for another day to see Dazai on his desk laughing like a maniac. Half of his face was purple and is eyes looked like they were about to fall out.

"What happened to him?!" I shouted.

"Hiromi, it's an emergency!" Dazai sang. His head tilted to the side before he pointed up. "Just take a look at this!"

My brows furrowed in confusion because I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to be looking at. "Ummm," I trailed off slowly. "What is it?"

"It's right here, silly dog!" 

My ears popped out as I growled at him for the dog comment. "All I see is your stupid face!"

He ignored me as he kept pointing up. "It's here! I finally arrived!" Dazai moved around the desk as he searched near and far. I'm not entirely sure what he's looking for but he's searching for it. "I can see the Pearly Gates and everything!"

"Dazai, what's gotten into you?" I wondered. Something rancid filled my nostrils, so I covered my nose. "And what's that awful smell?"

"Uh, Hiromi," Atsushi called out. My eyes widened when he held up a poisonous mushroom with a bite taken out along with Dazai's Complete Guide to Suicide book. "I found this."

"I knew the Complete Guide to Suicide was a masterpiece," Dazai chuckled horrifically. He stood up straighter with his arms up. "Who would have guessed I just needed to eat those mushrooms growing nearby to have an entertaining exit?!" He held his hand out toward me. "Join me, Hiromi, nothing would make this better than a double suicide!" Dazai threw his head back and laughed some more.

"I am not eating a hallucinating mushroom," I deadpanned.

"Wait, how do you know it's not -" Atsushi began as he read a page from the book. He was cut off by Dazai swan diving behind him and got locked Atsushi in a chokehold.

"Yes, I've finally caught you, rainbow pill bug!" Dazai shouted. "Time for lunch!"

"Hiromi!" Atsushi called for help.

I ran over and grabbed the back of Dazai's trenchcoat before I started pulling. I even placed my foot on his back so I wouldn't bump into him. Atsushi's eyes widened as he started choking. Dazai made no move to let go, it just made him laugh even harder. He jumped in excitement and it startled me enough to let go. I started falling back but Dazai had a firm grip on my wrist. A loud shriek left my lips when he twirled me around and managed to tie Atsushi up in wraps.

"Are you sure you don't want to join me, Hiromi?" Dazai asked as he pinched my cheek. "The afterlife is amazing. So many rainbow pill bugs! All the drink you can handle. Mountains and mountains of food to eat. You won't have to worry about your curse anymore!"

I felt a growl erupt deep within my chest. I appreciate all they've done for me, but I'm getting annoyed with drugged Dazai. I gripped his arm before flipping him over my shoulder, shocking Atsushi.

"I only came here because Kunikida requested your assistance," I snarled before looking at Atsushi. "You too."


A/N: I decided to start on episode 6 of Bungo Stray Dogs for the story, but I'm going to skip some episodes for the story. Mostly, because I wanna include a few episodes of Fruits Basket too to make it an actual crossover. And because Hiromi doesn't have an ability, she won't be out on missions like everyone at the agency. Don't worry, she will have a few run-ins with the Port Mafia just not soon...maybe.

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