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I didn't even know how starving I was until I started eating. At first, all I ordered was a coffee jelly. Then my stomach began to growl again. But Kunikida's been kind to offer me the first meal I didn't want to ask him for something else except Dazai already ordered another plate for me without me knowing.

"Thank you, Kunikida!" I exclaimed as I took another bite of my omurice.

"You know, I am the one who ordered it for you," Dazai piped up.

"And thank you, Dazai, for ordering it."

He smiled at me which I returned.

"So, where exactly are you from Hiromi?" Atsushi asked.


"Tokyo?" Kunikida repeated as he jot something down in a little book. "That's a little far from here."

"Is it? I couldn't tell," I said while giving out a nervous chuckle. Maybe I've overstayed my welcome. I should probably go before they suspect something. I quickly finished my meal, not aware of Dazai's stare. After getting up from my seat, I made sure to bow to the trio. "Again, thank you for the meal. I should be going, though."

"Oh, where are you heading off to?" Atsushi wondered.

"I promised to meet a few friends the next town over." Thank god, I got my lying skills from my father.

"And how exactly are you supposed to get there without any money?" Kunikida asked with his brow raised.

"I was planning on walking, you know. A little exercise, get some sun. Enjoy what the world has to offer."

"You're a runaway, aren't you?" Dazai stated more than asked. I froze momentarily. How the hell did he know? And that fast?

Atsushi's eyes widened from shock. "A runaway?!"

Nonetheless, I gave them a sad defeated smile. "Is it that obvious?"

"You came here claiming not to have money," Dazai listed. "Your clothes are worn out and tattered, which means you either just woke up or you've been sleeping out on the streets for a few days."

"So my clothes are what gave me away?"

"No. Your name, actually. I've heard all about the Sohma family. They're very old, powerful, influential, and very wealthy." Dazai glanced at me as he placed his chin on top of his hands. "Which makes me wonder...why would someone, who comes from wealth, run away?" He stood. "There are some plausible reasons: they fell in love with someone the family wouldn't approve, they wish to make a name for themselves, or they want to show others they can live without the help of their family. Except that's not in your case." Dazai got dangerously close to me. I could feel his breath fanning my face which sent small chills down my spine. "Who are you running from?"

"That's none of your concern," I said as I used my hand to push him back. "You'll never meet him anyway." To my surprise, Dazai grabbed my wrist. I ignored the blush that came across my cheeks as he kissed my wrist. My eyes widened as dog ears appeared on top of my head, like Kyo's cat ears whenever he yells. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

"What does it look like? I'm trying to comfort my future wife." Dazai soon grabbed my waist and tried to pull me close.

Thank you, Yuki, for showing me this next move. I brought my leg up and managed to kick Dazai away before I could transform. Sure, I did train to fight like Yuki and Kyo but that was I haven't started training 'til I was 10. Before, Yuki taught me how to kick the pervs away in case something like this happens. Which I'm proud of because Dazai ended up crashing toward the other table.

"She knocked him out?!" Atsushi gasped.

"No, he's still conscious," Kunikida said, although he did sound disappointed.

"Hiromi, if you don't mind me asking, why did you run away from home?"

I let out a breath as I brought my leg down. "I do mind," I said. "But you guys did buy me food, so it's the least I can do. The Sohma estate isn't as glamorous as you would think. The head of the Sohma family is very strict on tradition. He hates everything and anyone who tries to change it." I felt myself getting chills just talking about Akito. She might not be here, but it's like I can still feel her presence. "Unfortunately, I'm one of them. Ever since I was born, always made me feel like I was a burden to the Sohma name because my father was more focused on me instead of him. For the time, it didn't bug me because of my family who loved me for me." My mind went to Kyo, Yuki, Hatori, Haru, Ayame and Momoji. "My father soon began ignoring me whenever he would call. I mean, I know he only did it to protect me, but there are times I wish I wasn't born so he wouldn't have to go through this."

"Just how powerful is the head of the Sohma family?" Kunikida asked.

"One might think...he's a God." But to me, she's more like the devil.

"That powerful?" Atsushi breathed.

"Yeah. So, I had to leave." My gaze went toward the window. A couple was walking their dog. They were laughing as the dog jumped around in glee. I had a sad smile on my face before looking back at Atsushi. "If that's all you want to know, then I'll be taking my leave."

Atsushi stood up abruptly, slamming his hands on the table. "You can't leave!" He gave Kunikida a pleading look. "Kunikida, can we -"

"Absolutely not," Kunikida denied immediately.

"We can't leave her on the street. She could stay with one of us and work at the agency."

Suddenly, I got this creepy aura behind me. I felt a hand on my shoulder as Dazai stood behind me with sparkles around him. "What a great idea, Atsushi!" he beamed. "I'm sure Fukuzawa wouldn't mind giving her a job. And she can stay with me until she's back up on her feet."

I took Dazai's hand off. "I can't accept." I'm touched that they would do this. Complete strangers I've just met offered me a place to stay. I can practically hear Kyo yell at me for accepting anyway, mostly because I don't know if these guys are creeps. So far, I'm sure the only creep is Dazai.

Atsushi scrambled to get out of his seat. "Please, you won't be bugging -" His foot got caught on the table leg. I felt Atsushi's body collide with mine and poof, I felt myself transform. Atsushi fell right on top of me. His eyes bugged when he only saw my clothes on the floor. "Oh, god." His face paled. "DID I KILL HIROMI?!" He shrieked as I began moving around.

"I'm not dead," I said. Getting my shirt off, I looked at the trio. I'm not surprised to see the shocked look on their faces. Shit, this is what I wanted to avoid.

"Hiromi?!" Atsushi screeched. "You're a dog?!"

"Yes, I'm a dog."

"You have an ability?" Kunikida asked bewildered.

I sighed as I glanced down. "I guess I have a lot of explaining to do." I nearly jumped when Dazai appeared in front of me.

His eyes were wide as his mouth dropped open. I yelped when he grabbed me and pulled me into his arms. "You are so adorable. I thought you were grossed out by me, but I see the truth now." His hand went on top of my head as he started petting me. "Who's a good girl?"

I growled. "I'm about to bite you if you don't let go."

He gasped. "Will you aim at my jugular? I can see it now. Me, bleeding out on the floor with a huge chunk of skin ripped off. And you'll feel so guilty for killing me that you'll kill yourself so you can join me in the afterlife. If that's not romantic, then I don't know what is. The perfect double suicide."

I looked at Atsushi. "What's up with him and suicide?"

"I don't know," he admitted with a nervous sweat dripping down his forehead. "He's always been like that."

Dazai pulled me close. "Ooo, do you know what you need?"

I glared at him, already knowing where it's gonna go. "Don't you dare -"

"A leash."

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