Chapter 3 closer than ever

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Karl came back to you and climber, he looks a lot happier then earlier. "There Y/N! I took care of that annoying girl! And it seems like you took care of the guy pretty well.." he looks at you with your body drenched in blood. "Oh yeah uh.... Let's just go back to our spot and get me cleaned up.." You say a little awkwardly. "Hey could I come with you guys? I don't really have anywhere to go right now.." Climber asks politely. "Of course you can climber!" You take climber and Karl's hand and walk back with them.

Once you three get back to your small building, you get new clothes to wear after a blood clean up. "So.. I'm getting a little hungry again and I know you both can't eat.. so if there's food around here could I eat it?" You begin looking around. "Alright darling!" Karl gets up to help you. "I'll help too!" Climber also gets up to help.
After about 15 minutes of looking, climber finds some frozen corn dogs in a broken down freezer, the freezer was cold enough to contain them so they took the freezer closer to their new house. "Wow, I haven't had corn dogs in a long time!" You laugh and take out two from the box. You place them over a small fire to cook them. You let them sit on a small metal rack while chatting with Karl and climber. It's starting to get dark as you continue talking and cooking, your food does finish finally and you start munching. You still have Karl's coat! "Oh Karl! Do you want your coat back?"
"No, not now. It's going to be a colder night so you can use it." He smiles softly to you. You smile back and finish eating your good corn dogs. "So have you guys ever done "it" before?" You ask them. They look at you with a small shocked expression. "Well.. nice question Y/N, not with anyone but alone yes!" Karl says a little confused. You giggle at his response which leads to you laughing harder. Karl and Climber look at you happy to see your doing okay. Karl looks down at your leg to find a large deep cut that was bleeding, you somehow didn't notice this.. you kept laughing until Karl says seriously, "Y/N! You have a large cut in your leg! And it's bleeding a lot!" You look down in a panic and see your bloody leg with a cut. You scream and start tearing up. "Now that I see it! It hurts so bad!! Ah!" Climber comes to talk to you while Karl treats your leg. "Uh.. Y/N, what do you like about Karl the most..?"
"I like he is charming smile.." you say shakily Karl listens and lightly blushes but stays on task to help your leg. "What do you like about fights?" Climber asks. "I like.. sleeping.. yeah sleep.." you feel woozy and tired, then you feel a horrid pain in your lag when Karl tightens the bandage on your leg making you yelp. "Ouch! That hurts!" You cry, "that's okay.. just don't fall asleep!" Climber says to keep you up.
"O-okay.." you say. Karl then gets up and picks you up too, he places you on a couch in the corner. "Me and climber will sit with you for the night.." "okay.. just make sure nothing happens to any of us when I'm sleeping.." you reply "of course Y/N.. you are my fighting partner!" Karl said. You fell asleep in a minute.

You woke up from the smell of something, you smell soup! It smells like the Italian wedding soup, you love this kind of soup. You get up and see Karl making the soup and climber was getting ingredients. "Guys! Is that Italian wedding soup?" You ask. "Well how did you know?" Karl responded while stirring the soup "I love this soup! That's how I know it!" You yell happily. "Well it's almost ready!~" Karl says all happy "I would have some but I don't have a mouth.. this is just drawn on.." Climber says a little sad but jokingly. You let out a little chuckle "don't worry climber! It's just soup anyway." You tell him to bring his smile back. "It's done!" Karl blurts loudly, "oh alright!" Your went to go sit down so you could eat. "Guys I think I'm gonna go!" Climber said as he walked out.
"So Darling.. what did you dream about..?" Karl asks curiously. You look at Karl with embarrassment while you turn into a tomato "aha!!... how about we talk about something else..?"
"Oh don't be like that sweetheart.. tell me!"
You blush some more and finally bring yourself to say a little bit. "Well uh.. I was with you.. in a room... and uh.. I think you might get it now.."
"Hmm.. I think you should go into detail!"
"W-WHAT?! I mean uh.. if you really want sure.."
"So we were in to the room and we were talking as if I told you everything about myself.. then we ended up.. uh.. kissing..? Because you liked how cute I was at the moment.."
"Ah! I see where this is going! No need to finish the story darling."
"Oh thank you.. I didn't want to talk about that.."
Well then you better eat up so we can talk some more! I don't want your food to get cold." Karl said.
You not and start to eat the soup.
You finished tho soup so you cleaned up your space and cleaned your dish. You went to sit next to Karl on the couch so you could chat some more.
-you both chat about climber and how silly he is (in a good way ofc) -
You both talk do a long time until you started to fall asleep in Karl's shoulder. "Awe.. what a cutie.." Karl chuckled and gave you a soft kiss on the head before carrying you to a bed. "Goodnight darling.."


AHH IM SO SORRY FOR NOT BEING QUICKER!! I kinda lost my daily writing schedule.. 💔
But this was fun to write and I hope you all stay tuned for part 4 😎😎
I hope you all will have patience for me to do these because I have school and some homework I have to do :,) anyway I'll shut up now!
Love you all 😛

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