Chapter 4 Caught in a love bubble

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After a couple hours of sleeping you can't seem to see Karl anywhere. But you do notice how Arma was sitting near the door along with tips. But something was off.. they weren't moving. Just looking down outside..? You walk over to investigate but you felt a rope on your ankle tighten and pull you down into a weird small bubble. "HEY! Let me out of here!! Hello!? Anyone!?" You cried. "Looks like we both fell for this trap.." you look over and see Karl in another small bubble next to you. He smiles a bit wider. "Let me guess.. you also wanted to figure out what Arma and tips were doing?" Karl said with a silly smirk. "Yep. I guess they set a trap for us. I don't know how this works or how to get out." You tell him. "Well now I have company sooo.. we can talk until we think of an escape plan!" Karl suggested. "Good idea! Although I might already have an idea but I don't think it will work.. I would use too much energy.. and I don't have any food with me.. or water."
"Hmm.. well I think that plan can wait for now.. but first we need to figure out what these bubbles are made of.." Karl said with confidence
you both try to figure out what the substance is for a while until something clicked. "Wait Karl..? Do you have your blue energy dust..?"
"Yeah I think... so..?" Karl checked his pocket but it was gone. The capsule of energy dust he had was missing. "Never mind. I don't have it.."
"I get it now! Arma and Tips took it from you to mix it with something really strong! That way it could hold us here! No energy could do this but yours! These bubbles are alive!"
"Wow Y/N.. you are really smart.. haha! Who knew!" You both laugh a bit.
"Now if you were to break something with this strong energy.. how would you break it?" You ask
"We could try to swing ourselves into the walk to shatter the bubble!" Karl suggests
"Okay let's give it a shot!"
You both begin swinging your bubbles closer to the wall but forgot how bubbles merge when closer together and you both got slowly closer together without noticing. Next thing you know your bubbles merge and now you are both stuck in a bubble together. "HOLY!- Did our bubbles just merge..?" You ask, "I think so.." Karl said back.
You both slowly slide into the middle from separate sides. "Woahh..!" You say as you crash into Karl. "Well.. that's one thing we forgot about bubbles.." Karl said awkwardly. You notice how close you are together from this somewhat small bubble and you blush a bit.
"Y/N? Are you alright..? You are turning red!"
You nod and try to stay quiet. "I wonder if we scream for help then maybe someone minght hear us!" Karl suggested. "Maybe.. Its just we cant trust people you know..?" you say.
"Well i guess you are right on that one.. but we could just talk until we think of something.?" Karl suggested again.
"Okay fine. we can talk but i dont know how much oxygen this thing holds.." You say
"well you dont need to use it all as son as you can.. try to savour it!"
"how am I supposed to do that..?"
"uhhh... breathe less...?"
they sat in silence for a minute.
"well are we gonna talk or what?!" you yell
"okay geez... So.. what do you think of me..?" Karl asks curiously. You blush a little bit. "well i think you are cool.. you are always there for me.. you look pretty good... uh.. WAIT I DIDNT MEAN THAT!!" you yell and blush more. Karl looks at you with a larger smirk. "Deary me darling.. i think that was adorable!" Karl said mockingly. Karl takes your chin and moves your head so you are looking at him. You blush more. "well arent you a tomato..~" Karl leans closer to you so you close your eyes to avoid eye contact. You felt him hold onto your back tightly as he softly pressed his lips onto yours. As soon as your lips met you felt a wave of butterflies through your body. You decides to kiss him back which led to making out. since you were both so busy, neither of you noticed the bubble was slowly rising. The longer you both kissed the bubble went higher. Then it finally popped and you you both began falling. "WOAHH!" Karl screamed afraid of heights. You whistle for Tips and have him turn into a propeller. You grabbed Karl's hand and held him while you both slowly lowered down. All the way down Karl was squealing out of fear. When both of your feet finally Karl opened his eyes and let out a long exhale.
"Karl? Are you afraid of heights..?" You ask him with a chuckle. "Uh.. yeah I am.." he said also with a chuckle.
You both go back inside the building and find Arma with a half full energy valve. "Arma..? Did you put us in the bubble..?" Karl asked, Arma nodded. "Karl..? What did you feel when we.. uh.." you ask, "well I'm not so sure! Maybe we should try it again so I could describe the feeling.." he said with a large smirk causing you to blush. "I uh.. okay?!" You say nervously, Karl moves closer and holds onto your waist. He pulled you closer as you become a tomato again. Your faces were about an inch away. You both closed the space in between your faces and began to make out again. After about a minute you both break the kiss. "Well let's say I would do this a lot.. I like it.." Karl answered the question. "Wow.. that one felt better than before.." you said. You both sat down on the couch when climber walked in. "Hey guys! What happened while I was gone?" Climber asked, you and Karl looked at him awkwardly.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sorry guys but this is an epic cliffhanger! :) by the way the next chapter will be more nsfw

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Sorry guys but this is an epic cliffhanger! :) by the way the next chapter will be more nsfw.. and um.. yeah I love you all so much lol but stay tuned for chapter 5! See y'all next time! Also don't make this weird.

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