Chapter 2 a battle

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You seem to be awaken but Karl in a panic. "Y/N!! Get up we have to leave!"  You slowly open your eyes to half of the building destroyed, you jolt up in a panic "W-What happened?!" You yelled "COME ON Y/N! WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW!" Karl screamed. He pulls you off of your sleeping place and Carrie's you to a new abandoned building to take a quick rest. "Y/N... sorry to wake you up but these two annoying kids attacked us.. if you would like to help me fight them we can find you weapons.." Karl quickly told you. "Oh uh.. sure! I will help you defeat them!" You both quickly rush to some stone and you watch Karl start carving one of them into a fox that he painted black with a red eye. It looks like his crow but it's a fox, you watch him break open a small case with blue dust inside. You wonder what it is. "Karl..? What are you putting on the carving?" You ask him "oh.. this? This is energy.. it will bring the fox to life.. like Arma.. my crow" you look shocked at his response and watch the magic happen, you watch the fox come to life and it ran up into your arms "there, you may name it and control what it can turn into!" Karl explains to you. "Wow! That's impressive!" You say a bit excited, you then chose the name to be tips. You tried to make tips into A knife and it worked. Tips is know a knife, you tried a sword and the same thing happened. "Wow! I love him!" Karl's grin remained on his face the whole time. "Glad you like him!" After a couple more practice sessions you are ready. "I'm ready to help you battle them Karl!" You give him a hopeful look "alright. Let's get out there!" He takes your hand and runs out of there. You both look around and see a girl and boy in a robot. "Look! He's back! But.. he has a fighting partner?!" The girl says "oughta be a fair fight!" Karl says with a smile. The girl scoffs and launches a small missile at us, we just barely dodged it. "Alright.. time to test tips out for real this time!" You pick up tips and have home become a sword so you could damage the robot, thy dodge you but you keep running for it to let out any stored anger. You finally hit them and you sliced both of the bots legs off. Now they are stuck on the ground, Karl's runs up to them and cuts them to take the win. "Nice job Y/N! You chose a critical spot to their robot." Karl said happily. "I didn't know Tips could give me that energy to do that!" You say excitedly. "Well we should go find a new hideout for a bit. Only until your ready to continue this journey." Karl tells you before wrapping his arm around you so he could carry you and tips. This did cause you to blush lightly. "Uh- okay?!" You say before he ran with you.

~~time skip to when they got there~~

"This should do the trick! It's in good shape so we can keep this small house for ourselves!" Karl is still smiling after everything. You decided to ask him what's up with him and smiling.
"Hey Karl..? I was wondering something.."
"what do you need darling?"
"Well.. uh why are you always smiling.? Like how do you keep smiling no matter what..?"
He looks at you with a shocked kind of expression but still smiling.
"Ah well.. I like to smile.. and I told myself that I can push through everything and keep a warming smile.. I'm sorry if it concerns you.. I could stop if you wa-."
"Why would I not want you to smile?! It's actually kind of cute..." you start to blush after you notice what you just said. "Cute huh?" He smiles wider. "In they case.. I will continue to smile." Your hands are planted on your face from embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to say it like that!!!" You continued blushing while Karl chuckled at you "it's okay, but that was funny." He laughed a bit. After you both have been rambling about how much you were embarrassed from it you both went out again to find something to do at this boing place. After you and Karl were exploring more you see people in the distance running away from a mannequin with a pick axe ⛏️. You and Karl run up to see what's going on and you see Karl looking at the mannequin in surprise. "Cloth guy?" Karl says loudly. The mannequin looks down and falls in front of us. "Woah!- Oof." The mannequin opens his eyes to see Karl and you above him. "Oh Karl! Who's this you have here?"
"Her name is Y/N and she is my tournament partner."
"By the way Karl, my name is climber.. not cloth guy.."
"well sorry ClImBeR!"
You stand there watching them argue when you see the people who were running from climber. "KELLY? JAMES?" You yell out to them
"Oh! Hey Y/N! How's it going..?" Kelly said nervously. "Don't you dare how's it going me. You both left me to die!" You say in an upset tone. You don't notice but Karl and climber listen to you guys talk. "Y/N! We didn't mean to! We got scared so Kelly took my hand and ran.. and then.."
"DONT EVEN TRY TO FIX THIS! You both left me.. now you can get what you deserve!" You scream at them before launching yourself above them with tips shaped as a sword. They dodge your attack and split up, Karl starts chasing Kelly so you chase james into a corner. "Maybe if you didn't go with Kelly.. you could have lived.. but it's to late for you now.." you begin brutally stabbing him over and over until he is completely mutilated. You are now covered in blood but that felt really good. You walk out of the corner space and lean on a wall.
-back to Karl and Kelly-
Karl is chasing Kelly through a small house and he traps her in the bathroom. "You hurt Y/N... NOW YOU CAN PAY!" He says with a large smile before shoving his sword through her body then drowning her in the toilet. As she is still drowning Karl pulls the sword out from her back making her scream into the water. Karl then stabs her head that is held in the toilet by his hand, now Karl is also covered in blood.
"Serves her right.." Karl said before running back to where climber and Y/N are.


Thats all for this chapter! It has more words than the other chapter and now my fingers are tired😭 but it's worth it for my very few viewers.. thank you for reading this! Have a good day or night!

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