Chapter 10:Serious Intentions

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When me and the others got back to the village I tried to go find my father I told the others I'll catch up with them later I went straight for his hut when I tried to open the door it was locked

Na'tina-Dad! Are you in their ! I needa talk to you now !

I banging on the door getting frustrated so I went to go find Ma'lu to see if she knew where he was she was with the young teens watching them play fight


Ma'lu-Oh hey Na'tina

Na'tina-Have you seen my dad anywhere ? I went to his hut but the door was locked and nobody was answering

Ma'lu-He's at the cave *she tilted her head*that way

I nodded
Na'tina-Okay thank you !

I walked over to the cave she pointed at which was up the mountain I was used to walking far distances so it didn't bother me once I got inside I found my dad sitting sharpening his blade on his spear and A'siaa was laid out the couch butt ass naked ..damn girl don't ever think of covering herself up after fucking ugh..

Na'tina-Dad ...

He perked his ears up looking at me

Neteyam-What is it now Nat..

Na'tina-we kind of have a problem


Na'tina-So me and the others were flying on our ikrans earlier Y/N got shot down and it was another clan claiming we been taking all their kill and even stole something called a night shade device

He raised a brow

Neteyam-Do you know what clan it was ?

Na'tina-No not exactly but it was Jere'miah ..Loak son

Neteyam hissed getting annoyed

Neteyam-That little bitch got his nerves assuming shit he knows nothing about ..we don't live no where near him to do that

Na'tina-That's exactly what I told him but he wasn't buying it we ended up leaving anyways ..maybe we should get a hunting party to spy on them to see what's really going on-

Neteyam-No ! That's just wasting time ..their problems isn't ours Na'tina we have other stuff to worry about

Na'tina-Like what dad!?

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