(Separate continued sequel of TOXIC)After Na'Tina becomes the new leader of her father Neteyam sully tribe she become lovers with your sister Kitana that is apart of the tribe ..one day hell will unfold when she finds a herb that helps heal him fast...
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When Neteyam told me I'm not the same anymore I was so confused on what he was talking about but it would make sense on why I didn't feel well after he bit my neck.
Y/N-What do you mean?
Neteyam chuckled
Neteyam-Your not the same anymore because I changed you ..now we both can be mythical together
After her said that I saw him change his eye color to that evil gold I kept seeing them back to normal
Y/N-No..I'm nothing like you Neteyam
Neteyam-To bad ..you are now ..I want you Y/N
Y/N-But why out of all people me ..their were plenty other girls you could've tortured
Neteyam-Because your strong ..your strong hearted besides your pussy that's what attracted me most
I felt him grip on to my inner thigh rubbing on it I kept myself from moaning
Y/N-You have A'siaa..you don't need me
He paused
Neteyam-How about this ...come to my place at midnight and I'll handle A'siaa so you can be with me ..how that sound ?
I felt Neteyam move his hand to my clit rubbing on it making me moan with my mouth closed he came close locking lips with mine
Neteyam-Does that sound good to you Y/N?
Y/N-Mhm*you stuttered*
Neteyam-Good ..that way we can have all the fun we want ..all night
When he pulled away looking at me with his eyes a different color I felt my vagina start to throb the more he rubbed on it I started whining feeling myself become more wetter then he stopped getting up to leave
Neteyam-Don't forget *he hissed*
I nodded fast from the high tone in his voice when he said it before leaving I don't know what the fuck he did but when he's around and change I felt drawn to him now ..at first he used to paralyze me to have more control ..what the hell is happening.
|AT MIDNIGHT | When I got out of bed to go meet Neteyam at the cave I was scared of course be at that man is obviously crazy and unpredictable..I wasn't supposed to leave anyways because the healer wanted to make sure I was okay before letting me go .When I arrived to the cave I saw Neteyam waiting on the outside with his arms crossed when he noticed me he loosened up a little bit .