(Separate continued sequel of TOXIC)After Na'Tina becomes the new leader of her father Neteyam sully tribe she become lovers with your sister Kitana that is apart of the tribe ..one day hell will unfold when she finds a herb that helps heal him fast...
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Lee-C'mon Nat ..you gotta try !
Na'tina tried to lift up and reach for his hand but she slipped back down which made the secteur shake leaning more towards the lake off the cliff
Na'tina-I can't do this Leé..I'm sorry ..tell Kitty I love her
Leé-I'm not gonna let you do this to yourself
Na'tina-Leé I'm damn near bleeding to death! I can barley move ! You have to get out of here
They both started feeling the shaking of the secteur tipping over the cliff Leé still held on to it he wasn't gonna let Na'tina sacrifice herself but he didn't see how sever her wound was when the secteur slid down over off the Leé lost grip of it and ended up grabbing on to a vine root that was hanging out the dirt on the cliff he saw the secteur splash Into the water and sink he was debating to go in but he said fuck it and dived into the water to try to save Na'tina it was hard to see but the secteur wasn't hard to spot he founds a way in and grabbed Na'tina and swam back up he had to use all his strength to get them both back up to the surface once he got up he gasped for air
Leé-Y/N ,Kitty ! I need your help !
When me and my sister found Leé swimming out of the lake yelling with Na'tina in his arms unconscious we both became worried and helped him carry her out the water up the hill on to flat land
Kitana-Someone hurry and give her CPR!
Y/N-Is she breathing !?
Leé-I don't know
Leé started doing CPR on her and gave her mouth to mouth while I was trying to find a pulse through her arms but I didn't find one ..I even moved up to her neck and still couldn't find one ..
Kitana-C'mon Nat ..pull though *she cried *
Leé paused to listen for a heart beat and kept continuing to do the CPR ..but I didn't see any progress yet still ..