(Separate continued sequel of TOXIC)After Na'Tina becomes the new leader of her father Neteyam sully tribe she become lovers with your sister Kitana that is apart of the tribe ..one day hell will unfold when she finds a herb that helps heal him fast...
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When I was in my hut Kitana decided to spend the night with me to spend time together since I finished all my training and finally can get a break we a lot of time to make up for ..but I was still stuck on the fact that Y/N was now mates to my dad ..I was just confused how it happened out of nowhere
Kitana-Hey babe..you alright ?
Na'tina-Yeah...just thinking
Kitana-about earlier ?
Na'tina-Yeah...it just feel kinda weird because we were all close Y'know..felt like I just barley met y'all not to long ago and now she's like ...the new female chief so I look at her different
Kitana-You guys should've heard her out though-
Na'tina-For what?! Theirs nothing she needs to explain to us we already know
Kitana-Well she's my sister ..she wasn't lying about him forcing her
I peeked up my ears looking at Kitana confused
Na'tina -So you knew this whole time ?
She nodded slow
Kitana-Yeah..everything happened fast and we were all separated taking care of our own duties ..not to long ago he showed up to my gut looking for her when she got away from him..he's not the same person we knew before Na'tina
When I thought about what Kitana said I thought about the herb ..the lady did say it could possibly back fire when she said it didn't work then him magically waking up the next day could be proof ..damnit ..I fucked up
Na'tina-Wait....how has he been acting towards Y/N ?
Kitana-Possessive ...physical of course ..she showed up to my place with bloody wounds he broke in using his dagger to turn the lock..his eyes were different color then usually ..and she said that she saw him eating a dead body -
Na'tina-What the fuck.....It's a curse ...Fuck! ..
Kitana-It is ..the purple herb that lady tricked us into using on him is ant used for healing only spells Nat...you basically turned your dad into a monster at this point
Na'tina-Now how am I supposed to explain this to everyone !
Kitana-Just like how you told me ! ..we have to get rid of him Nat..
Na'tina-I can't picture myself killing my one dad ..he's all who I ever had ..but I can't have him running around eating people alive ..damn ..now I regret treating Y/N like that