Chapter 13-More problems

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When Neteyam told me that we were mates for life now I didn't get a good feeling from that mind you I never been intimate with anyone so I didn't know what he did when he attached our braids together I was ready to run home

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When Neteyam told me that we were mates for life now I didn't get a good feeling from that mind you I never been intimate with anyone so I didn't know what he did when he attached our braids together I was ready to run home ..

Neteyam-Wanna go another round babe?

Y/N-No! please I-I need to get back home

I got up grabbing my clothes putting them on and tried to leave but he stood in the way grabbing my arm

Neteyam-Why are you in such a rush Y/N?..the fuck are you hiding from me ?

Y/N-I'm not hiding anything ! I don't want to be here with a dead body in the same room Neteyam that's creepy !

Neteyam-Okay I'll get rid of the body but I don't want you to leave ..your acting like I'm not gonna find you anyways ..

First thing I was going to do when I get up is to get away and get some air I wanted to talk to my sister more about everything but Neteyam kept forcing me to stay so I sat down to stay for only one night

Y/N-Do you At least have a gown I can put on ?..

He nodded

Neteyam-Yeah I'll go grab it

When Neteyam left and came back handing me a gown to put on he just stood their watching me it kinda made me feel awkward but since he saw me naked so many times already ,I was already tired and it was late so I got into bed falling asleep while Neteyam cleaned up grabbing A'siaa dead body ..


In the middle of my sleep I got woken up from hearing a loud groaning noise coming from the hall the room was dark and I felt that Neteyam still wasn't asleep ..I creeped out the bed slow and quietly walked to the hallway with my dagger that was beside me on the night stand ..the closer I got down the hall the louder the noise got I saw it was a light on showing a shadow figure hunched over when I peeked my head over my shoulder to see what it was I saw the animal that was in the slide Jere'miah showed me was eating A'siaa dead body I covered my mouth sliding down the wall ..I was beyond terrified when I looked again I saw it had the same collar on its neck Neteyam.

When I put 2 and 2 together with the book I read and his eye color changes it all makes sense now ..when he paused and started sniffing the air growling loud it sent shivers down my spine his claws were long and sharp ...he had the face of a evil wolf of course with sharp long teeth ..the same gold eye color ..his body was kind large ..long tail..I slowly crawled back to the bed room and shut the door quietly once I got into the room I  ran to the bathroom to threw up from what I just seen I couldn't slow my heart beat down nor my breathing the only way out this place was past that hall I was just in ..I didn't want to risk getting chased down so I crawled into the bed shaking scared I even pulled the cover over my head when I heard the door creek open with heavy foot steps I closed my eyes praying to eywa ..I heard the growling come close to me sniffing the blanket then when I felt a arm come around my waist I jumped up and saw Neteyam

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