(Separate continued sequel of TOXIC)After Na'Tina becomes the new leader of her father Neteyam sully tribe she become lovers with your sister Kitana that is apart of the tribe ..one day hell will unfold when she finds a herb that helps heal him fast...
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When I woke up I was in my bed under my blanket I jumped up when I saw Neteyam at the edge looking at me .
Y/N-The hell are you still doing here!?
Neteyam-You have to go hunting with me ..You don't remember ?
Y/N-Oh...I-I forgot
I woke up with my head pounding
Y/N-Arrgh...my head hurts bad ..
Neteyam-You need water
Neteyam got up and went to go grab me some water and brought me back a cup when I drunk it I felt a little better right after it calmed headache most likely I was dehydrated ..
Neteyam-We leave in 10 minutes so get ready
After Neteyam got up and left my neck felt really sore like I can barley turn it when I got up to go look in the mirror I saw the whole left side of my neck was bruised and dry blood was on it I was trying to figure out what the fuck did he do to me when I barley touched it it stung bad I winced looking at it ..I can't go out like this ..I quickly grabbed my cream I used and placed it on and put on a neck collar that covers my entire neck the pain stopped but it still felt stiff ,I grabbed my bow and put it around my shoulder and went out the door I saw Leé waiting for me cheesing
Leé-Well Goodmorning sunshine !*he teased*
Leé-Why the hell you got on that big ass collar
Y/N-Because I wanted too
Leé-Mm.. you ready to go hunting *he elbowed her arm*
Y/N-Ehh not really ...I'm still tired
Leé-I feel it
I started feeling lightheaded and my vision felt oozy like I was drunk I paused for a second holding my head
Leé-Aye you good Y/N?.. ~
After Leé noticed Y/N was holding her head she quickly collapsed with her eyes rolling back shaking uncontrollably on the floor foaming at the mouth Leé rushed over fast grabbing on to her
Leé-Shit Y/N! Y/N!
When Leé saw that she was unconscious he started panicking more calling for help a girl ran over to him helping him while he carried her to a healer ..when Kitana saw from a distance she rushed over