🤍Chapter 25🤍

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Previously: Before Jungkook would think something his body completely give up, and fall unconscious on the middle of the road. The rain is still pouring heavily complete drenched Jungkook unconscious body.

And now:
Still A/n pov

Next morning ,Jungkook woke up only to found himself in a strange room with white walls and beeping mechanics surrounding him.His head was pounding and he wouldn't remember how he got there. He tried to setup, but his body felt weak and he groaned in pain.

Jungkook close his eyes feeling pain in his body, with lots of struggle he set up on the bad and looked around the room . Some time later he figure out that he was in a hospital room.

Suddenly, Jungkook flinch when he heard door opening sound he quickly looked at the room door only to found a girl was coming towards to him the girl seems older then him.

Soon the girl come near him and approach him with warm smile on her face , she asked Jungkook about his health with a gentle voice .

But, jungkook stay silent looking at her with a hint of fear in his eyes , he thought that the girl will hurt him too .

The girl notice that how Jungkook looked at her with feared in his eyes, she smiled warmly before consoling him that she was no harm for him and she will not hurt him in any way.

The girl explain him that she and her uncle found him on the road laying unconscious and then they bought him hospital , she also introduction herself to him and told him that her name is "jeon Karishma" .

After listening her Jungkook felt little relaxed and comfortable with Karishma. He also felt thankful towards her and her uncle for saving his life.

Karishma noticed that jungkook was getting comfortable with her, she smiled seeing this and asked him his name and age with a soft yet gentle voice.

Jungkook stay silent for some moment listing to her question , but notlasses he told her his name with a little voice and also told her that he was eight year old.

Like this they talked about some for stuff well only Karishma was talking Jungkook just listening to her silently and some time answered her shaking his head yes or no.

After some time Karishma told Jungkook to take some rast she would visit him later.

Hearing her Jungkook nod his head a little, Karishma helped him to layed on the bad cover him with a sheet and cressing his hairs a little before living the room .

After she left , Jungkook looked towards the close door . For some reasons he felt comfortable and safe with Karishma, he also got to know that Karishma is three years older than him.

Soon Jungkook eyes fell with tears, when he remembered that he had nothing with him nor money neither clothes. He is thinking that how would he able the survived in this big city and where he would go after he discharge for this hospital, how he would manage to feed his stomach.

Thinking all this Jungkook cry slightly soon he fall asleep because of tiredness.

Other hand Karishma and her uncle was sitting on the doctor cabin talking about Jungkook health. But what the doctor told them make both of them shocked.

The doctor told them that jungkook has been abused by someone for years, he has been having pannick attack and also the he was fighting with depression more then two years.

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