Chapter 2: Personal Business

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You turn your head to look at the commotion going on behind you. Sure enough, a sleek black car is riding the back bumper. With it's tinted windshield, you can't even see the faces of the people inside.

Matt floors the pedal. With the screeching of tires, the car you're in manages to speed even faster. On the quiet city street you're going 80, then 90, a 100 miles per hour. If your hands weren't tied behind your back, you would be holding on for dear life.

The black car behind you has no trouble keeping up with this speed.

"Shit!" Mello slams his hand on the dash. "How'd they even track us?"

"Fuckers." Matt scoffs. "Well, they can track us all they like, they're still no match to catch me in a high speed chase."

With no warning, Matt jerks the wheel left onto a small street. You're thrown against the window, unable to keep your balance at the intense speeds.

The car behind you isn't able to turn in time and speeds past the small street. You watch as they quickly reverse and turn to follow you.

Still, Matt bought quite a lot of time, as there's now a large gap between the two cars.

As you look at the car trailing behind you, you wonder what the intentions of these people are. The black car very clearly wasn't a police car. Were these other people good or bad?

You turn your head to face the front again, "So... who are these other people?" You manage to speak up. You notice Mello loading a clip into the gun he had held to your head earlier.

Wait, was it not loaded before?

"An annoying asshole is what he is." Mello mutters, rolling down the window. The sound of loud wind swept the inside of the car as everyone's hair flew about. Mello unbuckles his seat belt, flipping so that he's on his knees on the cool leather seat, and sticking his upper body out the window so that he could shoot.

You pale, watching as he takes the first shot. You watch as it hits the hood of the car. Mello pumps the shotgun and aims again. There's a slight pause before he shots again, this time hitting the side mirror and making it tumble off, getting scraped and bouncing off the road below.

It's then that you realize Mello isn't aiming for the people inside the car, he was aiming for the tires. You watch in awe as he shots another bullet, this one hitting the street. It made sense, that if you hit the tire then the car wouldn't be able to follow you anymore.

Mello fires more rounds, then curses and draws his body back into the car. He began to reload the gun again.

The black car had caught up once more. It was impressive, really. It nears the back bumper, getting dangerously close to touching.

Your body is jerked forward as the car rams the back.

"Can't you go any faster!" Mello cusses under his breath.

"In this piece of shit?" Matt grits his teeth, gripping the wheel harder. He attempts to swerve once more, but as he does so, the car rams you again.

Your stomach gets queasy as suddenly the car is tipping, flipping over and tumbling down the road at the intense speed you had been going. Glass breaks around you as you close your eyes in an attempt not to get debris in them. Luckily, you feel your seatbelt hug you tight against the seat, even as you're sent in every direction. The sound of metal scrapes on concrete until...


You open your eyes. You're upside down, but still alive. You feel sore, but it doesn't seem like anything is broken.

You hear a groan from the front seat. You can't see Mello or Matt, a large hunk of metal is in your way, but you hear someone drag themself from the rubble.

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