Chapter 6: Silent Treatment

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There's been a weird, awkward aura in the air since you've gotten back from the fair. When you first arrived, the silence seemed to be a disinterested and neutral one, now there is a glint of something else to it.

Are they mad at you?

That would make sense. After all, you did completely ruin their plan and cause Beyond Birthday to get away.

But there was something more to it. You're not sure what it could be though.

On the other hand, though, maybe you're mad at them too. You can sense how they feel superior to you. It's true that they're smarter and stronger and perhaps even more intuitive than you, but that doesn't make them better. You're determined to be on equal footing to them.

So you once again fill your time with reading, eating, and exercising. Ever since Mello showed you how to properly throw a punch you've been killing it. You wish he would teach you more.

He doesn't.

Anytime you see him, he ignores you, not that you really try to make conversation anyway. He makes his intentions clear by giving off a don't talk to me vibe. Near, on the other hand, is still the same as he was, regularly asking you how your day is and if you need anything. Matt is the lukewarm middle, not openly harsh but not kind either.

When you go to sleep at night, you stare at the little plush dog on your nightstand. It stares back.


He went through the effort to get you the stuffed dog, but why? Could it really be that in that brief day Mello had bonded enough with you to actually care?

No. What a ridiculous notion. They needed your help to get to the inheritance. Nothing more and nothing less.

It's not money though.

Your chest sinks from the thought. After Beyond had disappeared they had interrogated you on what he had said to you. You told him that Beyond had said that the inheritance was not money. What you hadn't told them, though, was that Beyond's goal was to get the inheritance into your hands.

Ugh. Was it mistake not telling them? After all, not telling Mello, Matt, and Near the full picture had ended you up in this mess anyhow.

You toss and turn all night, barely getting any sleep.

In the morning, you head to the kitchen to make yourself breakfast. You shrink into yourself as you see Mello and Matt at the table, forking their food while on their computers. Matt glances up as you walk in, Mello doesn't. You give a polite smile before scurrying over to the stove to fry some eggs.

Keeping your head down, you eye them carefully as you cook, wondering what plan they're making next. You're sure they wouldn't use you as such obvious bait again considering how poorly that went last time.

The door opens again, making you jump. It's Halle. You feel a slight relief to have her in the room to act as a buffer to the heavy aura. You send her a quick smile and she nods at you, heading over to the table. She slides a piece of paper to Mello.

"Near wanted me to give you this." She says.

"Thanks." Mello mumbles, taking the paper and scanning it with his eyes. Halle lingers for a second.

"I was thinking we could all go out for drinks tonight." Halle suggests lightly. "Gevanni is already in, we thought the two of you might want to join."

"Halle, I don't-" Mello starts.

"Ah, come on, man." Matt elbows him. "It'll be fun, a break. Plus, it's the perfect time to pick up some chicks."

"Or you can just hang out with Gevanni and I and while Matt strikes out." Halle adds. "Gevanni says he's probably going to head out a little early though, so just you and me can hang out too."

"I'm not gonna strike out-"

"Yeah, sure, whatever, I'll go." Mello sighs. "Both of you just quit bugging me."

"Perfect." Halle beams at him. "I'll see you later then." She turns and leaves.

You finish up your cooking, twinges of confusing emotions plaguing your chest. You hover around the kitchen island, opting to eat at the counter rather than endure the painful awkwardness of sitting down at the table next to them. You eat your toast and eggs quietly and watch as Matt elbows Mello.

"She's so into you."


"So?" Matt scoffs. "Come on dude, you're seriously not going to do anything with that?"

Mello shrugs.

You suddenly don't have an appetite for eggs. You dump your plate and hurry down the hallway.

In your hurry, you run face first into someone.

Disoriented for a second, you nearly fall to the floor. Luckily, the person catches you.

It's Near.

"I'm so sorry," you stutter. "I wasn't watching where I was going."

"It's alright." Near replies, still grasping onto your arm. "I was actually looking for you."

"Oh?" It's not really a question, but a sound of resignation. What did they have in store for you next?

"I wanted to see if you were doing okay." Near has the gentleness of a person that doesn't know how to comfort someone. "Since everything that has happened."

"Oh, yes... I'm fine... really." You nod. "I'm afraid I ruined your plans to catch Beyond Birthday, though."

"He ruined them on his own." Near insists. "You ran off and happened to run into him, it's no fault of your own."

Except that it is. You knew what you were doing when you went into that tent. You could have warned them about Beyond Birthday's note.

"If anything, we should apologize to you." Near continues. "I should, in the least, for not putting an end to the taunting. I'm accustomed to it, so I unjustly figured you would be unbothered."

You stand there, processing the apology. It was all so... mature.

"Thank you, but there's no need." You say gently. "I think-"

"Then how about I make it up to you in a different way." Near tilts his head. "We can order food tonight, anything you want."

You must admit, that does sound nice.


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