Chapter 8: Beloved Blood

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Your hands are tied behind your back as you ride in the passenger seat of the car, but it's merely customary. Both you and Beyond Birthday know that you wouldn't try to escape even if they were untied. You're aware he's a dangerous person.

"Where are we going?"

"Now come on, I expect better detective work than that from you."

You look out the window. You're far past the city now. You wonder if Mello, Matt, and Near have any idea where you are.

"You know where the inheritance is." You continue to watch the trees fly past the window. "You're taking me there."

"See? I knew you were a smart girl." Beyond snickers.

You look over at him. He looks just as deranged as when you first saw him in the tent. His greasy black hair sticks up in all directions and the dark bags under his eyes give off the impression that he hasn't slept in days. The front of his shirt is stained with blood. It must be from his latest murder.

The more you look at him, the more you have this odd feeling that you've met someone like this before.

He notices you staring at him. "Did you know not a single photograph of your father exists?"

You watch the road now. "I didn't."

"All we have left now is our memories."

"Near said you were my father's first successor." You try to get information out of him that the others wouldn't have told you.

"First?" He laughs. "You are sorely mistaken, for I am the second."

"Fine, the second. Why are you no longer his successor?"

"You're doing it again." Beyond sighs. "I've told you when we first met, you have to ask the right questions."

You feel annoyed. It's like you're playing a weird guessing game with him.

"What happened to first successor?"

"There you go." He smiles, gripping the wheel tight. "L's first successor was a child named A."


Beyond gives a dry laugh, "I'm sure you call those other three by their pseudonyms too. I prefer to call them by their real names, to be honest. It scares them, I can tell. Mihael, Mail, Nate. I imagine no one has called them those names since their mothers."

"Are you talking about Near, Matt, and Mello?"

"Ding ding, right again, princess. But I digress, we were talking about our dear A." He drums his fingers on the steering wheel. "Your father drove him to suicide. Too much pressure for a poor thirteen year old. Stabbed himself in the throat with the same pen he used to write his suicide note."

"You're trying to make my father look like a bad person." You feel a surge of anger in your chest. "You just want me to trust you. It's no fault of my father if he committed suicide."

"All of us are bad people! Your father, me, the other three!" Beyond Birthday is excited now, eyes wide and wild with an insane grin plastered onto his face. "You think your little friends are innocent? Perhaps I should tell you of the innocents Nate has stepped on to catch criminals or the deaths in Mail's shootouts. Don't even get me started on Mihael, the gruesome torture, the beheadings, the-"

"So what? What does this have to with me or the inheritance?" You shout over him, shaking with anger and uncertainty. "What do you want?"

He looks over at you, eyes hollow. "I want all the bad people to burn, me included."

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