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Chapter Eight: Odd One

Once Jim had started hallucinating, Rick made sure he was cuffed to the bed. Rick wanted to go to the CDC, to find out of there was a cure to this madness. Shane, on the other hand, did not. He didn't want to take the risk, thinking that Fort Benning was our best chance at survival. I didn't agree, neither did Lori, Carol, Daryl, or Dale. Andrea just didn't care. Rick, Shane, and Dale went on a 'perimeter check' to see if any walkers had wandered close to camp. Daryl was needed to help protect the group in case another group of walkers came along, so he couldn't go hunting. We were nearly out of food.

"I wish they'd hurry the fu.ck up." Daryl grumbled as he cleaned up the last two squirrels, getting them ready to be roasted for the youngest members of the group. It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing at all. "I'm votin' for the CDC. You?"

"Yeah. Fort Benning seems like it would be everyone's first choice. And that could be dangerous, with all those people. Know what I mean?"

"One person gets it, so does everyone else. Only an idiot woult wanna head for Fort Benning."

"Shane's an idiot." I grinned.

"What was that, Cal?" Ah, shit. Shane was behind me. "We need to talk." he gave Daryl an angry glare, "Alone."

"Daryl, I'll be right back." I followed Shane down to the lake, and we sat crosslegged on the shoreline. "What d'you wanna 'talk' to me about now? I don't have time for this."

"Too bad. Because you're gonna make time. This is serious."

"Your definition of serious is far different than mine. It's about Daryl, isn't it? I told you earlier. You can't stop me from spendin' time with him, I ain't a helpless freak you can boss around. He's not a bad guy. Daryl is nothing like Merle. I know you see him as nothin' but some piece of s.hit redneck, but honestly, it needs to stop." I stood up. "Get the fu.ck over yourself. Oh, and I'm goin' with Rick to the CDC. Fort Benning is a fool's dream."

"No, wait-"

"I've noticed the way you look at Rick. You can't stand him anymore, can ya? Great friend you are. I might have a little talk with him later." I left him there, and ran back to Daryl's truck.


"I'll let ya'll think it over and we'll make our decision first thing tomorrow morning." Rick told the group, and Shane was putting on a show, playing the role of 'supportive friend'. I saw through every word that came from his mouth but everyone else, Rick especially, believed him. Lori and Daryl didn't look like they bought his act, and I guess I was half expecting them to. There was still something going on between Lori and my brother, and it was not healthy. I followed Shane back to his Jeep.

"What in the hell kinda bull cr.ap was that?!" I exclaimed angrily, my nostrils flaring.

"That was me stayin' on Rick's good side! Not everything is as easy as you think, Little Miss Sunshine." Shane scowled. "You act like everyone should pity ya just because of what happened. You were kidnapped, big deal. No one really even gives a sh.it."

"Yeah, it kinda is a big deal. It's affected my life, who I am as a person. You're an idiot. A closed-minded idiot who doesn't understand. You wonder why I talked to Daryl first and not you? Because he f.uckin' gets it!" I raised my voice. "You weren't there! He was! So quit actin' like he's trash just 'cause he ain't what society accepts."

"We're family, Cal. You should be on my side. Not his!"

"I don't care about whose DNA is recombined with whose. When everything's gone to hell, and it sure has, the people who stand by your side without flinchin', they are your family." I glared coldly. "Mama'd be ashamed of you."

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