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Chapter Fifteen: If You Never Try

Rick and Shane left at dawn with Randall. They were going to leave him at some high school with enough food to last several days and some dinky little knife. I was glad he was finally gone; I'd fed him a couple times and he gave me the creeps. He'd called me pretty, stared at me (and my chest) longer than necessary, asked if I'd had a boyfriend.

When they came back with him cuffed in the backseat I took Alfie's hand and went straight inside the house, where Maggie sat angrily. Beth had somehow gotten into the bathroom, broke a mirror, and slit her wrists in an attempt to commit suicide. Hershel was stitching her up in the kitchen.

"Is Bethie gonna be okay?" Alfie asked Maggie and climbed on the couch to sit next to his former babysitter.

"She'll be fine." Maggie nodded, and I left him with her so I could sit with Lori on the porch. Maybe she knew why they brought him back.

"He knows Maggie and Hershel. He knows where the farm is. What if he found that group of his, and they wanted to get back at Rick for shootin' at their men?" Lori shook her head, "Leaving him out there isn't really an option now."

"I don't want him here. He creeps me out, to be honest." I admitted.

"Yeah, me as well." She brushed her bangs away from her eyes, and Patricia called us in for supper.
Alfie sat on my lap, and announced to everyone that Daryl was his new Daddy. Well that sure got a reaction out of Shane; he stormed out the front door and straight to the RV. He was so dramatic!

"Mr Shane is a grouchy goat!" Alfie exclaimed and continued to shove mashed potatoes into his mouth. He looked much healthier now, no longer skin and bones.

"Can't argue with that." Dale smiled fondly. We finished eating and Daryl carried Alfie back to our tent.
I sat outside with Glenn, Maggie, and Beth when Shane (of course it was Shane) asked if he could speak to me, alone. Glenn was hesitant to leave me alone with Shane because of our past arguments but I told him I could handle it and I'd be fine.

"We'll be right inside if you need us." Maggie nodded, and followed her sister and boyfriend into the house.

"What did I do wrong this time, Shane?" He either wanted to insult, lecture, or pick a fight with me.

"Why Daryl? You can do better, deserve better. He's just some nobody, Cal." Shane asked in a hushed tone.

"Why Robyn? Lori? He may be a nobody to you, but to me, he's somebody. Can't you just be happy knowing I'm happy for once? Is it really that hard for you?" I started for the door, but of course, Shane's hand found itself around my arm. "Let go of me or I'll scream. No joke."

"Sure ya will." He laughed, shaking his head in disbelief.

"You know what? Let me know when your hobbies don't include being a complete fuckbag." I glared and he let go of me. I joined Maggie, Glenn, and Beth in the kitchen.


Daryl woke up super early to interrogate Randall, leaving his knife with me. I tried to get at least another hour of sleep but couldn't, so I just watched Alfie toss and turn in his sleep. He often had nightmares about his father and stepmother, the walkers as well. But I think we all had nightmares involving walkers.

I know I sure did.

"Are we goin to the house for breakfast? I hope Maggie and Bethie made me pancakes!" Alfie pulled on his socks and Spider-Man shoes, making sure the Velcro lined up evenly. He sure loved those Spider-Man shoes.

"Yea, I guess." I had to keep telling him not to run ahead, to stay by my side in case a stray walker happened to cross paths with us. Once we passed the barn, I let him run the short distance to the house.

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