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Random Song: These Things I've Done - Sleeping With Sirens

Chapter Twelve: Scars Run Deep

It was getting dark, and I couldn't find Daryl anywhere. So I sat by the chicken coop and cried until I could cry no more. Shane ruined everything. With Daryl's self esteem as low as it was, I knew he'd agree with what Shane had said to him. I'd be lucky if he even looked at me at this point. I wiped the tears from my face as soon as I spotted Rick. He was alone, surprisingly. I thought he would have brought Shane, try to patch things up between my brother and I.

Yeah, that wasn't likely. Shane had gone waaay too far for that now.

"Hey, Callie. Lori and Shane told me what happened."

"I bet he did." I muttered as I sat up straight, mentally preparing myself for whatever it was he wanted to say.

"It wasn't right. But you know how he can get, how overprotective he-"

"Shane isn't overprotective, Rick. He's controlling. He always has been, and always will be. Nothin's ever gonna change that. Now he's ruined things between Daryl and I."

"You don't know that for sure." Rick sat down beside me.

"Oh, I do. I know how Daryl works. He thinks so little of himself. Can't even accept a compliment, cuz he thinks he's good for nothin'. I was like that too, if you remember." I stopped for a moment to breathe. "There was no one to save him, to show him what it's like to be appreciated. What it's like for people to love you unconditionally. I coulda turned out like him, if he hadn't..." I started crying again. It hurt to think about the stuff he'd had to endure after leaving me on that beach in Florida.

"Shh, it's alright..." Rick rubbed my back until I calmed down, and handed me a small packet of tissues from his pocket. I blew my nose. "I'll talk to Daryl. I'll make it better."

Why couldn't Rick be my brother? Why did it have to be Shane?

"I wish Shane would lay off on Daryl." I sniffled. Rick helped me to my feet, and we made our way to the RV. I didn't really have my own tent and felt safer sleeping in the RV with Carol, Dale, and Andrea. It was a tight fit, but we made it work. "Does he seem different to you?"

"In a way, yes. But we're all changin'. We're not who we were before." he had a point but didn't understand what I'd meant. I'd have to talk with him about it another time.

"Sorry, Cal. But I can't stand seein' you with someone like Daryl." Shane sighed, shaking his head in disapproval when I'd passed his tent.

"Someone like Daryl? Seriously, you'd rather I be miserable? He makes me happy. Leave me alone." I stormed into the RV, where Lori sat waiting with Alfie. He'd heard Shane and Daryl fighting, and refused to go to sleep. I told Lori I'd talk to her in the morning, and she went back into the house so she could be with Carl.

"I don't like yer brother." Alfie whispered when we were lying on the bed,, Carol asleep next to me.

"Neither do I. Now close your eyes, it's time to go to sleep." he curled up against me, and that's how we fell asleep. He was starting to grow on me...


T-Dog's arm was looking much better, no more pus on the bandages. It had been stitched up good by Patricia. Carl had more energy today, according to Lori, so I wanted to visit him. Alfie insisted on going with me; he missed being around Carl. Carl was asking for him too, so it's not like I could say no and disappoint the both of them.

Rick, Andrea, and the rest of the men planned a search for today. And Carol, Lori, and I wanted to do some laundry. Maggie had found several old scrub boards in the attic for us to borrow, and gave us scented soap.

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