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Pic, is of Alfie.

Random Song: Art Of War - We The Kings

Chapter Ten: We're Alright

"He ain't a puppy, Cal. We can't keep 'em." Daryl tossed his crossbow on the small table and wiped sweat from his face. "Where's his parents?"

"They're the ones who left him in that trunk! We aren't takin' him anywhere. I'm not leaving him."

"Hey, kid. C'mere for a minute." Alfie stood up slowly, looking at Daryl warily.

"It's ok. He won't hurt you." I reassured.

"You wanna stay here, or go back to yer Ma?"

"I don't like her. I wanna stay here, with Callie and Auntie Lori. They don't hit me. Please don't make me go back!" Alfie cried out, hiding behind my leg.

"He's staying. End of story." I said firmly, and changed the subject by asking how the search went.

"Well she ain't here, so what d'you think." Daryl snapped, coming towards us.

"Don't hit her!" Alfie jumped in front of me, his small hands balling up in little fists. Daryl ran out, hurt and anger etched into his face. I knelt down to explain that Daryl would never do such a thing, but Alfie ran past me and out the door. Carl and Lori brought Alfie back in, and he was put to bed with Carl. I told Lori I needed some air and stepped outside. I really wanted to find Daryl, to see what was going on with him.

"If you're looking for Daryl, you're not going to find him. He went for a walk in the woods." Dale called from the top of the RV. I climbed up the ladder and sat on a red and white cooler. There was something about Dale's presence that calmed me, and I found myself pouring my heart out to him. About everything going on with Shane, and Daryl. I'd never realized how much it bothered me until now.

"The moment I mentioned finding Daryl, things changed between Shane and I. That's when he began wanting control over me. Told Lori, and she said I was just being paranoid. But I just wanted to see him one more time, for closure. Now Shane can't even stand to look at me."

"You know, I've read somewhere that sometimes you need to distance yourself from certain people. If they care, they'll notice. And if they don't, well, you'll know where you stand. if you think about it... You have been distancing yourself from him. But with his attitude I don't blame you." Dale shook his head, and we watched as the sun set. "But as for Mr Dixon... It's pretty clear just how much he's willing to do for you."


We were up at dawn, preparing for a group search. Daryl had found a trail yesterday and lost it, but we were going to follow the river where Rick said he'd left her. It was humid, the air thick. It would be best if we started before the rain washed away any trace of Sophia. I'd already arranged for Dale to watch over Alfie, who was way too young to go with us. Carl was going to stay behind, until he convinced his parents to let him come along.

Alfie didn't want me to go. He didn't particularly like me, from what I could tell, but he did like Carl. After three tantrums though... I'd had enough.

"You can come. But you have to stay with me the entire time. Alright?" I held his hand and we waited for Rick to lead us into the woods. I wanted to give Daryl space, time to get used to the idea of me having a kid to look after.

"Are you sure bringing him along is a good idea?" Lori asked.

"I don't know. But I don't think I want him to be scared of walkers. Fear does terrible things to a person, makes them think and do terrible things they never would have done before." We stopped at a tent. Carol held onto Andrea, calling out Sophia's name. When no one answered Daryl took a step inside.

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