chapter two: build up

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|| kyles pov ||

I had done some thinking, about stan. Ever since I saw him drinking things have changed, hey ever since that DAY things have changed. the way we held hands.. the way he hugged me ever so tightly when I caught him drinking, the way he held me when I reached into my locker.. I knew I couldn't like him, not that I didn't,- but that I couldn't.

we had two problems,
wendy testaburger

stan has been on and off with Wendy ever since fourth grade but since sixth, they've really stuck together even now in ninth. I wouldn't want to hurt wendy.

wendy testaburger is the smartest GIRL in class, not necessarily the smartest PUPIL. I rolled my eyes at the thought. me and wendy have always secretly competed about everything, tests, school, mock tests, even up to small spelling bees. it was usually a tie between extremely close points or a draw. Although we competed a whole lot I would never want to hurt her, because she's like me in a way. she always learns from her mistakes but unlike me she has the ability to fix them whereas me and my friends go and do it over, and over again.

I decided I'd brush off the thoughts while I can,, I had my religious beliefs to worry about, my household was so incredibly strict. I wouldn't even want to risk the consequences I'd face. I came to a small conclusion I didn't like stan, this is what I'm choosing to believe anyway.

|| stans pov ||

I finished getting ready for the party and dashed to kyles place, a cheesy grin on my face - I loved seeing kyle.

I appeared at the door and did my signature knock.

"hang on a second stan!,, Sheila shouted before even looking to see who was there.

kyles father opened the door for me and politely welcomed me in. I greeted him and said hello to Sheila before dashing upstairs, excited to see kyle.

|| kyles pov ||

"shit.,, I said as I checked the time.
stan would be here any moment now. I was on the floor crying, fuck what if he were to-

"KYLE! .. kyle..?,, he said, bursting through the door at that very moment.
"stan.,, I said,, trying to sound happy as I rubbed my red, puffy eyes.
"fuck, man are you okay..?,, he said.
he plopped down next to me and carefully moved my hair out of my face. my hair? my hat.. shit.

stan was looking at my hair, fuck. I hated my hair and I guess he did too as he kept staring. suddenly I felt comforted though, as he starting twirling a piece around his finger. he adjusted his position and leaned against me, still playing with my hair.. he gently shut his eyes.
"we can go whenever your ready to.,, he assured me in a calm voice.
I felt myself blush.
"t-thanks stan.. you really are the best.,, I said, as I excused myself to the bathroom connected to my room. fuck I was red as blood. I quickly bandaged up my arms and washed my face,, the cooling sensation relieving.

|| stans pov ||

I flopped back on kyles bed as i patiently waited for him to get ready. I just scrolled on my phone but did glance at him every once in a while.

I know kyle didn't like his hair but I loved it, one time in 8th grade I was really sad and he let me touch it. It was the fluffiest thing ever I almost melted.

I noticed my laces were untied so as I was already sat down on the floor I began to tie them, kyle came from the bathroom and grabbed his clothes for the party. Kyle has never been a fancy dress guy, but it wasn't a fancy party either. It was just one of tolkiens party's for the boys, he grabbed a pair of jeans and a baggy,, white shirt. He took off his jacket and his undershirt, replacing it with the white one and it only hit me know that I was staring at him. I quickly shaked my head and went back to watching my phone.

I heard him open a drawer so I assumed it was safe to look back again,, he grabbed his shoes and smiled at me. It was 5.30pm so we had half an hour left until the party started. We just chilled at kyles before leaving,, we tried not to eat anything as we knew Tolkien has the best food.

"dude why'd you bring ur backpack?,, he said,, grabbing it.

it rattled with the bottles Tolkien had asked me to bring for the party. Kyle instantly set the bag down and said he was ready to go.

|| kyles pov ||

I tried to leave the situation.

"i- im ready to leave now.,,
"alright, I brought my car anyways.,, stan said.
we got in stans car,, it was autumn so it wasn't hot but it wasn't freezing either. The car ride to tolkiens house was basically silence. When we got there stan drifted from me to greet Tolkien and probably give him the bottles so I went over to kenny. He was sat on the couch next to tweek and craig.
"who else is here?,, I asked
"well there's me, you im guessing you came with stan, tweek and craig,, obviously Tolkien,, and clyde stayed the night. We're waiting on Jimmy, cartman somehow got his way in and a few others I think.,, kenny said. He had his jacket off so his voice was clear.
tweek had his head in Craig's lap as craig played with his hair.
"how the fuck did cartman get in,, the monotone voice spoke.
"I don't even know, didn't he try and kill to- nevermind.,,
"what?,, tweek glanced up at kenny.

words: 977

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