ii. New face

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This just gets better and better. It turns out I really am in a hospital, not limbo. I'm pretty sure that it is hell because, I'm not just in a hospital, I'm in a mental ward. You know, where they keep the people who have sixteen imaginary friends living in their heads and can't stop picking imaginary bugs off of their bodies. Whackos. Nut-jobs.

I'm not crazy. I don't see the big deal about what happened, but apparently some one thinks it's a big deal. It was my father, he always overreacts when he's sober. But at least these nurses don't beat me, there's a nurse here-nurse goody- she was in my room this morning and woke me up. She handed me these weird looking purple pills, she said that they would help my disorder, but I still feel the same.

This place is weird. It's a weird nut house. It looks like they pulled this place right out of Dracula's castle. The walls are all black and the floors are decorated with red carpets.

I sat my tray down on the table, I took my fork and poked my salad with it, suddenly I heard another tray slam against the table, I looked up and saw that Billy boy fork group. "You can't sit here," I managed to say. He looked up at me quickly, swallowing his food before saying anything. "I'll sit here if I want." He snapped. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I don't want you to sit here." I told him. "I don't like people."

"Then leave." He shrugged, not making eye contact and just looking at his food.

"I got here first." I said.

"Then stay," he said plainly. I rolled my eyes and laid my head on the cold table. Slow jazz music filled my ears. "Why are you a psychopath, What'd you do?" I asked him quietly. He stayed silent for a minute before pushing his food away from him. "I killed like 5 people two years ago." He spoke. "Why? What was your motive?" I asked him. His eyes slowly shifted up to mine. "My girlfriends mom had an affair with my dad, making my mom leave town."

   "I tried to kill my girlfriend." He paused. "But I had a partner, Stu. He got sent to a different psych ward. I miss him." He spoke softly.

  I couldn't hold eye contact so I looked away. "Shit." I said plainly. Billy looked at me with his deep-set eyes. He looked like he was trying to seduce me or something, I felt his eyes still on me, but I didn't look at him. "What was her name? Your girlfriend?" I asked him. "Sidney," he paused. "Why'd you try to kill yourself?" He asked me. I shrugged, I held my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around my legs to stop them from shaking.

  "There has to be a reason." He spoke softly, I stayed silent for a minute. My eyes were everywhere but him. "I was bored." I said. Billy played with the inside of his cheek with his tongue, "what happened there?" I asked. He had a tank top on, revealing his high chest. He had a scar, it was sort of a circle shape, it was a pinkish white. "Sidney shoved an umbrella right here," he pointed to his scar. "I'm going back to my room." I said, picking up my tray.

  "What's your room number?" He asked, why? Are you gonna come and kill me next?

  "Room 482." I told him, throwing my tray away. I turned around and quickly walked out of the cafeteria, I glared outside my window. It was rainy, it was gloomy and dark. Suddenly I fell asleep, I woke up to a knock on my door, I looked at the clock and it was eleven pm. I got up, groaning and slowly walking towards my bedroom door.

    I opened it, I saw Billy standing there. "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked with a sleepy voice, he pushed past me and shut the door quickly, locking it, "we don't have much time, I ran out of my bedroom, the staff is looking for me, I'm leaving this place." He told me, confusion was painted on my face. "W-what the hell are you talking about?" I asked him, "I'm leaving this place, I hate it here, you hate it here, I'm leaving wether you come with me or not. Are you in?" He asked, I thought about it for a second.

   "Hell yeah I'm in," I smiled up at him, I threw my pillow on the floor, I had money stashed underneath it. I threw on a jacket with a lot of pockets and threw the money and my pocket knife in it, Billy began to pick the lock on the window as I threw on my shoes. Billy held my hand tightly as I climbed out of the window, we were high, like really high, we walked across the edge slowly, it was really slippery from the rain. We climbed down the ladder leading us to the second floor. "It's freezing," I managed to say, but my voice came out shaky, billy grabbed my hand as I jumped over the fence, I saw staff running out of the building with guns.

  "Shit, we have to go." Billy roughly grabbed onto my arm and started to run, I followed him, we ran until we basically couldn't anymore. We didn't know where we were, we were in the woods, trees hung over us, bushes surrounded us. I panted heavily as we stopped running. "Why did we do that?" I panted. What was I thinking, if they find us they'll probably kill us.

   "I'm tired of that place." He said between his breaths. "We should go get stu. Where even is he?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. "He's in another town," Billy told me. "How much money do you have?" He asked. I pulled out the money and counted it for a few seconds. Rain slowly dripped on it. "Two eighty." I told him. I put the money back into my pocket, "where are we gonna go?" I asked him. He looked around before shrugging, "come," he told me. We walked over branches and twigs until we reached a highway, I leaned against the tree as Billy held out his thumb.

•   •   •

   A car slowly stopped, a middle aged man rolled down his window. "Need a ride?" The man asked. Billy started talking to him before opening the back door, his head turned my way. "Come on," he said. "If we get murdered, I'm gonna be so pissed at you." I told him as I approached the car, the middle aged man peered at me through the rear view mirror as Billy entered the car. I gripped onto my pocket knife as he started to drive.

   "What are you two doing out here?" He asked us.

  "None of your business." I said, the man just chuckled.

  "We just got lost." Billy smiled weakly at the man. I scoffed, "I'm headed east. I hope that's fine," the man said.

• • •

We're at a restaurant now.

The man placed his plate on the table and sat next to Billy. I looked at the photo in his wallet. "Is that your family?" I asked, "yeah, that's Cindy, and that's Robert." He pointed to the little boy, robert kinda looks like a potato screamed in my mind.

"I'm going outside." I said, I ran out of the restaurant and sat on the fence surrounding it. A few minutes past, but it felt like hours.

I eventually walked back into the restaurant, but the man and Billy weren't there. Did they leave me? I hesitantly opened the men's bathroom door, I saw them both there, Billy's hand was near the guys crotch, but the man held it there. It was like Billy did it unwillingly. "Oh my fuck." Slipped out of my lips, the man quickly turned around and buttoned his pants. "Are you gay?" I asked Billy. He quickly shook his head. "No." He denied. My jaw was on the floor.

The man tried to leave, but I spoke. "Give me your wallet." I said with my hand out. He furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head. "No," he told me. "Give me your fucking wallet or else I'll go to the cops and tell them what you like to do to teenage boys in bathrooms, I'll get your penis in a fishbowl." I hissed at him, his gritted his teeth. "You wouldn't do that."

"Give me your fucking wallet." I told him. He hesitatingly pulled it out of his pocket and handed it to me. I pulled out the money and glared at the photo, I grabbed Billy's arm and threw the wallet on the floor. "Robert looks like a fucking potato by the way." I told him before grabbing Billy's arm and taking him outside.

"I'm not a teenager." He whispered to me. "Yeah no shit, you look sixty." I joked.

    "You know, you can say no when you're uncomfortable right?" I asked him.

     "Yeah, but I can be a people pleaser." Ok murderer.

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