Acat x reader

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Acat sulked as she walked towards the fiery home of Lord Mictlan. She was horrified, as she came back empty-handed and her partner was out somewhere else. The partner who she thought she would have lived the rest of their eternal lives together.

Who knows how the mighty god of war would take this information.

Meanwhile you were sitting next to your mother as you fixed your nails, waiting for the arrival of the tattoo goddess and batboy, princess in hand.

You've liked the goddess for a long time and even confessed your feelings for her a while ago, though those feelings went nowhere since her love went to someone else. Both of you did remain friends but it was especially awkward whenever vampiro came around. Usually, if Zatz was near, Acat would get all giggly and ditzy, kissing him all over while you stood there. He would even look over at you with discomfort clear on his face. Sometimes you wondered why he even stayed with her.

Your contorted in anger as you grumbled and fumbled with your nails harder. Lady Micte look towards you in concern. She was about to question you when the front doors opened.
There, stood the once proud and tall Acat, drooping down as she took heavy steps towards the throne room. Your father stood at the notice of no princess Maya and floated towards Acat.

"The half-breed, where is she?"

"She managed to escape my lord." Acat went down on hers knees out of respect as she spoke. "and Zatz, where is he?" Asked your mother.

"Zatz and I are no longer together."

At that your eyes widened as you looked between your father, your mother, and Acat. "That's not what she asked you girl..." your father's voice grew lower as he got more mad. "I...I don't know where he is my lord..." you noticed Acat look towards your mother then at you, your face being unreadable at the moment.Mictlan thought for a moment before speaking "Very well, Hura! Can!" Your father shouted for the twins.

One of the brothers came forward and grinned maliciously. "Your majesty, we are at your service." The other brother chuckled darkly in agreement. "Capture the half-breed and bring her to me. Oh, and kill the companions." Your father demanded.
"Consider it done." The brother said before they took their leave. "My lord, please allow me to join them in atone of my failure." Acat pleaded. "No that's not necessary mija..." Mictlan grinned at the poor girl, causing you to stand wearily at the tone of his voice. "Please Lord Mictlan, I beg you!" Put her hands together and brought them up to emphasize her pleas.

Your father held his claw out from behind him, waiting for Acat to make a move. You have had enough and stepped in between Acat and your father, both freezing in place at the sight of you in front of them. "(Y/N), what are you doing child!?" Your father shouted in a low voice. You've never been one to go against your father, so this was a shock for everyone in the room. If only you weren't his own flesh and blood, he would've killed you on the spot. "Papa I think you should let this one go..." Your father sputtered in surprise before gaining his composer.

"And why do you think I should do that, my little betrayer?" You father said in a condescending tone. You stood your ground and said, "because you could be losing your protection. Think about it, Maya is obviously coming with company if the twins bring her back. So if she brings these people with her, They could surround you and attack your weak spots. And if you have less people around to protect you, you could be overpowered."
You tried your very best to sound reasonable to your father, grabbing his large hand and petting it with a sickeningly sweet smile. Acat and Lady Micte could just stare in disbelief as Lord Mictlan    thought for a second before giving into you and exclaiming "Ah alright then. Consider this your lucky day girl! You live to see another day!" Your father ruffled your hair before cackling as he floated off to his spot on the throne.

Sighing, you turn to Acat and motion your head to the front doors. She contemplated for a moment before following you outdoors.

It was a long way from home but you finally arrived at the forest. Everything was peaceful especially at night, the moon shining over you, the chirping of crickets and hooting of owls, and the chill wind moving past everything in it's way with a quiet whistle. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes as you took in the moment before opening them again.

Acat  grunted in frustration and jumped atop a tree branch. You ran after her and sat next to her, making yourself comfortable. "Why...why did you save me?" The question came out nowhere but you weren't going to leave it unanswered. "You're my friend. I'm not going to let my father kill you." Acat scoffed and turned away. "You're not my friend! And I don't need anyone!" Yet she still sat there as she was able take in today's events.

All she could think about was how Zatz betrayed her. How could he do this to HER then pine after another girl?! And so clearly in her face! She thought that she wasn't going to be alone, she was finally going to have someone beside her through thick and thin. But I guess she was wrong.

You watched as Acat broke down in tears, large beads of teardrops falling down her tan cheeks as wails of anguish filled the forest. You felt horrible for the girl, even though she didn't accept your confession, you still want to be a good friend and be there for her.

Scooching up to her, you wrapped your arms around her as she cried into your chest. You started rubbing your hand up and down on her back to calm her and humming ever so slightly. After a while Acat's yells and cries of anger and sadness subdued into sniffles. She finally looked up at you to see you smiling down at her. You rubbed the final tears in her eyes out with your thumbs as you held her cheeks. Acat scanned your face for a while before leaning in to kiss you.

However you stopped her from doing that. This is all you've ever wanted to do, but weren't really sure if she was just doing this out of her fear of being alone. You wanted her to know that you still love her, but you also wanted to know if she loved you as well. And even if she found out she doesn't like you that way, you're still going to stick beside her.


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