Chimi x reader

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Stories have been passed around of a supposed monster hiding deep within the forest. Or so you have been told. You were warned countless times as you were getting closer into the forest. See, your mother had recently gotten sick and it was getting worse with each day that passed. Luckily, your father was a healer and constantly stayed by her side in these trying times.

One problem though, he needed a very important herb that would've helped immensely but it was in the forest. Now people did have an issue with your father sending you into a forest just to bring back some leaves. But he was getting desperate and had no other choice.

If you had to give your opinion on the matter you simply told others, "I'm doing this for my mother to save her life." Despite the slight fear you felt as you remembered some of the warriors mutilated faces and bodies. One warrior came back without his head! Even so, you swallowed it down and continued through the forest. You arrived at a tree which looked like it had been burnt to a crisp. Besides the tree, was a little group of the herb huddled close to the tree.

A content gasp escaped your lips and you ran towards it, maybe too fast because an arrow was shot right in front of you. You froze on the spot as you stared at the arrow that would've pierced your hand had your reflexes been slower. You didn't get time to think about it, as a flurry of arrows ran towards you. "Ah! What the-!" One of the arrows shot your arm, and you scampered behind a large rock.

The shots continued at an immense speed, you've never seen anything like it...
You grabbed the other end of the arrow and held your before pulling it out. It hurt but you can't focus on that right now. Ripping your top,you patched yourself up in a hurry. And then, you felt a long dark shadow looming over you. You shakingly turned around to be face to face with an arrow and a pale lanky girl right behind it. She growled as she pull the arrow back, and you already knew what she was about to do.

"Wait!" You exclaimed as you put your hands up in defense. "I'm not here to hurt you! I'm only here for a herb for my mother!" The girl seemed to falter at that, before barking in your face and running back into the burnt tree.

You returned back with the herb in hand. You gave it to your father who gave it to your mother. And to no one's surprise, she got better in a few days. But... there was something that you felt missing. You remembered back to that girl and you got the urge to see her again. So, you grabbed some leftover food and went back to the place you met her the next day. You found the tree again and carefully tread, you knew you were putting yourself at a risk right now, but you didn't care. You just wanted to see her again.

"Hello? Girl? I uh, brought you some food. I thought we could, you know, talk." And out hopped the girl. She crawled over to you while yipping and growling. She seemed more animal than human. "Oh hello. Um, I'm (Y/N). What's your name?" The girl stood up and looked at you suspiciously before speaking. "What do you want? Are you one of those warriors who's trying to lure me out or something? Well I'm not going and if you try to force me I'll run my arrow into your eye." She grabbed an arrow from her quiver and pulled her arrow back on her bow, aiming at you like she did the day before. "What? No! I just wanted to talk with you, you know, maybe be friends." Your explanation made her quirk a brow in slight disbelief. "Now why would you want to do that? No te doy miedo? Soy El Monstruo Blanco, la gente no te dijo que soy mala?" The girl circled you as she asked.

"Well, yes, but you don't seem bad. You just look different." You gave her a gentle smile which only made her face scrunch up. "Different's bad. If you look like you don't belong you get kicked out and have all the people who love you die right in front of you for even caring about someone as ugly and different as you." The girl crossed her arms and stared at the ground, feeling tears creeping up in her eyes. You felt a pang to your chest when you saw her like that. So you put your hand on her shoulder in comfort. Despite that, she smacked your hand away. "I don't need your pity. And if that is the only reason why you wanted to get to know me, then you should leave.

" I came here because I wanted to get to know you and become friends. So I'm not leaving." You held your chest up high and spoke confidently, despite your brain telling you to that it wasn't the best idea to test this girl's patience. "Hm, you got guts. And a lot of them if you're willing to stay..." she thought about it before sighing. "What did you say your name was again?"
"(Y/N)! And yours?" She started doing a bunch of whooping, yipping, barking, and growling noises. Which left you... confused.

"Um, can I call you something else?" You gave her a flabbergasted expression as she hoped she'd let you call her something that you could at least pronounce. "Well... I have always wanted to be called Chimi." She got bashful all of the sudden as she rubbed her other arm and swayed idly. "Oh that's adorable! Alright then, Chimi it is." Chimi blushed a dusty pink and gave you a shy smile.


Alright I'm sorry I've been gone for so long I got writer's block and couldn't think of anything to write :(
But I hope this will be enough of an apology for my disappearance. I'm still working on this book and my Splatoon book so don't think that I'm giving up on either books, I just don't know what to write sometimes. But yeah, I hope you enjoyed this one shot.

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