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pure terror struck me. a shaky hand flew over my mouth as i felt tears prick at my eyes.

two lines, was on the pregnancy test.

this can't be right

i glanced over at the other three positive tests i had thrown out, in pure denial.

i was completely and utterly fucked. i was pregnant after a one night stand that refused to have any kind of relationship with me.

i felt sick to my stomach, and it wasn't the baby inside. it was anxiety, pure panic.

what was i going to tell simon? would he stay?

my thoughts came to a halt when i heard a knock at my apartment door.

simon was coming over, i told him i wasn't feeling well but he insisted that he 'makes me
feel better'. now i had to tell him that i was carrying his child after just meeting him in a bar when he was off base.

i took a deep breath, putting the test in my hoodie pocket before heading to the front door. i wiped my tears before i turned the door knob and opening it.

seeing him standing there, not knowing the information i knew gave me a lump in my throat.

"natalie." he smiled at me, his skeleton mask he always wore at work in his hands. his grey eyes glistened in the light, his dark brown short hair was slightly messed up from his balaclava.

"simon." i whispered quietly. i stepped aside to let him in, the tall man entered looking around my apartment before grabbing my hands and leading me to the living room couch.

we sat down, and i looked at him trying to hide my anxiety.

"how was work?" i asked.

"work." he grumbled. "cmere."

he pulled me close to him, i was basically leaning against him. he began to rub my back.

my body tensed, against him.

"relax." he hummed, but i did everything but that.

"simon." i sat up right, staring into his eyes so he knew i was going to say something serious.

"mhm?" he asked.

"you wont leave, right?" i asked.

he gaze softened lightly before he looked away.

"i'm not promisin' anything." he said. "i told you, just sex."

i couldn't help but bite my lip to stop it from quivering.

he looked at me, concern loomed in his eyes as he watched me try not to immediately burst into tears.

"what's wrong, lovie." he frowned. i shakily inhaled, my lips quivered, my hands began to shake. the tears spilled, rolling down my cheeks as i tried to quiet my sobs by putting my face in his chest.

"i'm sorry, i'm sorry!" i repeatedly sobbed.

"nat, you're scaring me." he said softly, petting my head.

i sat up right, biting my lip.

"i'm pregnant, simon." i whimpered.

his eyes widened.

"you're joking." he said, he tried to put a smile on his face.

i shook my head, taking the test out of my
pocket, handing it to him.

he examined it closely, i watched as his brows furrowed and he looked back at me. his eyes were wide, his mouth slightly agape.

"i don't know what to do.." i whimpered out, looking for any positive reaction on his face.

he looked at the test for a moment before dropping it in my lap. i wiped my eyes as he gripped his balaclava and pulled it over his head.

he stood up and began walking towards the front door.

"simon.. simon! where are you going?"i choked out as he opened the door. he gave me once last look, i couldn't read his expression because of his stupid balaclava. he slammed the door behind him.

i was left in shock and despair, staring at the door where he once was.

tears flowed, none stop. i curled into a ball on the couch, my face in my hands.

the father on my future child just walked out on me. i couldn't do this alone. what was i supposed to do?

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