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(image from pinterest: credit to@661ave on twitter.)


i sat in my car in park, in front of her apartment complex.

i let out a breath i didn't even realize i was holding in as i gripped the steering wheel tightly.

i felt a lump in my throat as i swallowed, exiting my car.

i desperately wanted to go back in and just drive away, but i pushed myself to walk into the complex.

i had just gotten off work, my heavy boots were heard as i walked up the stairs and down the hall to her apartment.


i stared at the number on the door, i could hear the tv playing some child cartoon.

i took a shaky deep breath as i raised my hand, hesitantly knocking on the door. i put my hands in my pocket afterwards, waiting for the door to open.

i'd be lying if i said i wasn't petrified.

the door opened quickly, there she was.


her brown hair was messily put into a bun, and she wore an oversized shirt, with i imagine shorts underneath.

i watched as her eyes widened to having pure anger in them, as she was about to slam the door i put my hand in the way, blocking the door from shutting, leaving her nothing else to do but open it.

she glares at me, stepping outside, and closing the door behind her.

"what the fuck, do you think you're doing." she harshly, spat, looking up at me. i could see deep down, she was sad, scared.

"i wanted to apologize.." i swallow, blinking at her.

natalie furrows her brows at me, as her eyes begin to water slightly.

"you suddenly come back." she scoffs, "out of no where!"

i look at her trying to not show how deeply anxious i was.

"nat." i tried to say sternly.

"don't you 'nat' me!" she shakes her head.

i stare at her for a few seconds, i try to read her expression.

does she want me to explain why i'm here?
do i just have no choice but to leave?

"soap." i uttered out.

"soap said it's her birthday tomorrow."

i see her bite the inside of her cheek as i stare at her.

"do you even know her name?" she steps forward towards me, her brows furrowed, she was incredibly upset.

"blake." i responded, quietly, staring at her.

"i know her names blake." i mumbled.

"you expect to go inside and just meet her, hi i'm your dad??" she crossed her arms, almost a mocking grin on her face.

i roll my eyes at her.

"listen.. i just wanted to try and fix things.." i admitted.

"if you're not doing anything tomorrow i can come by and we can go do something." i offer.

"but why now?" she urged, like she was trying to pry something out of me.

"why now of all times? you haven't reached out?" she looked at me, confusion and anger on her face.

"soap told told me it's her birthday.."

"yes! you can't just show up now!" she hissed, clearly frustrated.

"what about all her other birthdays?? christmas even! any other holiday!" she scoffed.

i furrow my eyebrows at her although she couldn't see.

she takes a shaky inhale staring at me.

"plan something tomorrow, you, johnny, blake, and i will have a mini party." she exhaled.

"dont fuck it up." she warned sternly, pointing her finger at me.

a small relieved smile came onto my face.

"i won't, nat." i respond.

she turns away, reaching for the door knob.

"you better fucking respond to your texts, riley." she warned, her back turned towards me.

"i will." i said, nodding.

she sighed, opening the door going back inside.

i was left honestly shocked at what had just happened. no contact for five years... i haven't seen her.. i've never seen our daughter in person either. only through photos.

i couldn't help but have a little proud smile on my face walking down the hall.

this is my chance. i can fix this.

SORRY THIS IS SHORT!! THANK YOU FOR ALL THE LOVE, i seriously appreciate it, i'm not going to lie i don't have a lot of motivation.

also happy easter for those who celebrate it!!


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