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i awoke from my sleep, i tried to turn but shortly realized my daughter, blake, was laying on my arm.

i remembered it was her birthday, my baby girl was four years old. she was getting so big, and soon to be staring school.

honestly, the thought of her starting school prettified me, simply because i wouldn't have her by my side.

i smiled down at blake, and i ran my fingers along her dark brown hair... like her fathers. she had longer hair, that she and i liked to style everyday. i was reminded everyday of who she came from, what i lost, what left.

my smile faded as i remembered what was happening, i didn't want to check my phone right now, even though i told him to text me.

i looked at the analog clock on the grey bedroom wall to check the time, 8:30. it was early, i rarely woke up this early, but i was thankful.

i was now feeling dreadful, about seeing him, but that fled my mind when i thought about making blake breakfast.

another smile crept onto my face at the idea, as i gently moved my daughter off my arm and peeled the covers off myself. i made sure to tuck her back in before i wandered off to the kitchen. i pulled out bacon from the fridge, eggs, and some pancake mix. i pulled out some pans as well, and turned on the electric stove.


"is it good?" i smiled at blake who was sat on the kitchen chair, at the kitchen island. she was happily eating the breakfast i made for her.

"yes, thank you mommy." she smiled, face full of whip cream from her pancakes. i chuckled at her as i put everything where it belonged before or in the dishwasher.

"of course, birthday girl." i said, happily, as i walked back over to give her a quick motherly kiss on the forehead.

i helped her get off the kitchen chair once she was done. with a smile on my face, i grabbed a napkin nearby and wiped her dirty face before i leaned down to pick her up, and placed her on my hip.

i'm not ready for when i'm no longer able to carry her, even now she's beginning to make me struggle, but i'll make myself get stronger.

"what would you like to wear today?" i asked her, carrying her into her own room, which she rarely slept in.

it was a lavender room, with a toddler bed. she had a dollhouse, and literally everything a kid could imagine. i worked my ass off for it, all for her.

i placed her on her neatly made made purple floral comforter and kneeled in front of her. she had a huge smile on her face, she rarely got to chose what she wore, mainly because toddlers don't really know how to dress themselves.

i could see her thinking about it for a moment, before she concluded to a final idea.

"my overalls!" she cheered. i nodded, happily, crawling over to her little dresser, pulling out her jean overalls, a baby blue t-shirt, and as well as everything else.

i wandered back over to her and helped her get dressed, once we were done, i made her do a little twirl showing me her whole outfit as i had a bright smile on my face the whole time.

afterwards i did her hair, as she sat on the floor in front of me, i french braided two sections before securing them with elastics.

she turned around with a big smile, and touched her hair, she seemed pleased with it. by now i believe i'm quite good at doing hair, thanks to the years of practice on blake. i've been doing her hair since she was born, and i haven't stopped doing it since.

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