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blake seemed content with the thought of visiting her father, which i was much relieved. i truly hoped he wouldn't fuck up.

the car ride to simon's house felt dreadful, i could feel my stomach turning, as well as my hands shaking as a gripped the steering wheel tighter. my eyes trailed to the rear view mirror, gazing at my daughter in her car seat. she was busy looking out the window, watching the scenery go by, though she did have a smile on her face. i knew she was a bit excited, my gaze went back to the road as i began to pray in my mind that simon wouldn't let us down.

only making my thoughts turn worse, and my stomach begin to ache. i tried to drive my thoughts else where as i also looked at the scenary, making me wonder why on earth i didn't leave texas as soon as simon left me. why i hadn't gone back to new york and start a new life.

six months into the pregnancy, i was still trying to convince myself that simon would come back, though at five months i stopped sending him texts about appointments and how i was doing. during that time i could've used the money i had worked for, to buy a plane ticket and go back home, yet i hadn't. i was too worried about the burden i was going to put on my sister, she already had children, two, and she was married. though she was in her late twenties. my parents aren't around, anymore, she's all i have left. i rarely texted my sister, and if i did and wouldn't give her much detail or make her concerned, she has been her whole life about me. i can't burden her much more with asking for help, though perhaps i made the wrong choice.

"turn right— changing route.." my phone in the cup holder informed me, i was using the gps to get to simon's house and i was too busy in my thoughts to focus on where i was going, i missed a turn.

"fuck." i cursed under my breath, hitting my steering wheel hard, causing blake to jump slightly. i sighed, hoping i didn't scare her too bad, before tucking a strand of brunette hair behind my ear. "sorry hun." i muttered, quickly, glancing back at her.


i parked in simon's driveway, taking a deep breath as in a swift movement i took off my seatbelt and opened the door. heading over to my daughter's side in the backseat, opening the door, and i began undoing her car seat.
i gave her a bit of a smile, as she seemed excited, her grey eyes bright.

so much like her father's eyes, never seen his that bright though.

i lifted her, carrying her on my hip as i closed the door. i didn't bring anything with me, i hoped simon had got it all covered.

it felt so surreal approaching his front door. i wondered if my daughter could feel me breathing shakily, her arms wrapped tight around my neck as i carried her. i stood at his door for a moment, raising my hand to knock, before i noticed blake's hand raised in a fist as well. i lowered mine, a bit of a relieved smile on my lips.

"you can knock, baby." i told her softly, with a nod. as wide smile spread across her lips, she did so, frantically knocking on his door, causing me to let out a bit of a chuckle, but i composed myself realizing my baby daddy would be at the door.

thankfully, as if the universe heard my prayer, he didn't open it, instead it was his friend/coworker, johnny mactavish, who i'd also met at the bar that night, not to mention sometimes we'd hang out or he'd babysit blake but i didn't think simon knew that.
he'd looked the same since the last time i saw him, the same shark fin styled dark hair. he wore simple outfit, a black t-shirt and some grey sweatpants. as soon as he realized it was me his blue eyes lit up and a smile grew on his face, as his eyes fell on blake.

"there's the birthday girl!" his scottish voice spoke cheerfully, as he took blake from my arms and put her in his own arms, carrying her inside.

i found myself peering inside simon's house. i hadn't been here before. looked big for a man living by himself, mainly neutral colours of course because men have no sense of decoration. though i give him props to the birthday decorations, and the hello kitty ballon with a big purple four beside it.

i stepped inside, taking off my shoes on the mat beside, after i closed the door (idc that this is in america, TAKE UR DAMN SHOES OFF). i could see blake wandering over to all her presents, johnny showing them to her in the living room, simon's house was pretty open and large.

made me think if he had stayed around, blake wouldn't be stuck in a shitty 2 bedroom apartment. i envied it. how he had no problems with anything, and i was left with the consequences.

i forced a smile on my face, thinking simon would be in the next room as well. walking into the living room, most of the walls in his house were grey, bland. my eyes wandered immediately to the couch, where i thought simon would be sitting but he wasn't. relief washed over me and i moved my gaze to my daughter, the biggest sweetest smile on her face, at the party that was set up for her. i couldn't help but smile as well, as i sat on the black leather couch next to johnny.

johnny began talking to blake, but my thoughts wondered. wondering where simon was. simon wasn't one to go all out for decorations like this, when would he have had the time?? i concluded that johnny had done all this, making me honestly feel like shit for trusting simon with this.

"you alright?" johnny's voice suddenly said startling me out of my thoughts. he was playing with some toy cars with blake and immediately stopped to check if i was okay.

"where's simon?" i asked, dismissing the question.

i'm sure he already knew the answer to his.

MB i haven't updated this in awhile lmao
kinda boring sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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