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"Okay, Mom. I'll visit as soon as I can." I hung up the phone.

My head was hurting. In what right mind did I though, that putting my hair in a high ponytail was a good idea?

It was not.

My head felt like it was going to explode from all the pain. Since I had to go to the toilet as well, I could put my hair down.

I stood up, fixed my shirt, and started walking to the restroom. Today I was dressed in grey wide pants and a white shirt that was loose enough for me to move comfortably.

We didn't really have a dress code, so this was the most professional I could look. I was not the most stylish person, but I was trying.

I went to the toilet, did my business, washed my hands and now it was time to fix my hair.

The door of the restroom opened and three of my coworkers stepped in.

Kiara, Shelby, and Rosalie. All of them worked in the human resource department.

They were chatting and laughing. Kiara took lipstick out of her tiny bag and started applying it to her lips.

She was kind of the most popular woman in our company. Everyone knew her. She was also very beautiful. Her hair was long and black. Always styled immaculately. She always wore suits in different colors, paired with expensive high heels. No doubt everyone liked her. She was very social and friends with almost everyone.

Keyword. Almost.

For some reason, she wasn't fond of me. Maybe because I worked as Mr. Hyde's secretary.

"When are we going to meet?" Rosalie asked while spraying perfume all over her.

From their conversation, I picked up that Kiara was having a birthday party on Friday night. "You're having a birthday party?" I asked her. I just wanted to try to make small talk with them. I mean, I didn't really have any friends at work. Okay Rowan, but I rarely saw him. I wanted someone I could at least talk to sometimes or go on a lunch break with.

She gave me a look and smacked her, now-red lips. "Yes."

"Well, that's great." I smiled nervously and ran a hand through my hair to smooth it out. The silence was awkward.

"I would have invited you, but I know you don't go to places like that. Sorry." She shrugged her shoulders and dragged the last word out. Rosalie and Shelby laughed quietly.

"No, it's okay. I already had plans anyways." I actually didn't. I was probably going to lay around and watch a movie. And play with Lexi.

It was okay though, she was probably inviting only close friends.

"Can you ask Mr. Hyde if he could come? We're going to have drinks with the other coworkers at the Aleya bar." Oh, I guess she was inviting a lot of people. No surprise she wanted him there. Whenever I heard her talk, it was mostly about Mr. Hyde.

I mean she was probably the type of woman he was going for. Beautiful and confident. It's not like I've seen what kind of women he dates, but it was just my assumption.

"Yeah, of course, I'll ask him," I said goodbye to them and left. It was time to transport the message to him.

I didn't want to bother him and go into the office so that's why I decided to call him. He immediately answered the phone.

"Hi, sir." I greeted him. "Kiara was inviting you to her birthday party. She wanted to know if you were free Friday night." Now that I said it, it sounded like she was asking him on a date.

"She also invited a lot of her coworkers. It's going to be a big party I guess." I added.

"Are you going?" I wish. Even though i would just sit around awkwardly, I was willing to go and do something new. Well if I got invited, but i didn't.

"I wasn't invited actually." I was kind of embarrassed to admit it, but what can I do?

"Tell her I don't have time." It's not like I was expecting him to go. I sometimes think that he was actually annoyed by all of his employees.

"Can you bring me the documents from yesterday's meeting?" he spoke again.

"Yes, of course." he hung up and I looked for the papers. I stacked them together and went to the office.

"Here. I stacked them all by order." I placed them on his desk. He took them and flipped through the pages. He hummed and started analyzing them.

"Is Jim bothering you?" He asked without looking up at me. He was still reading the documents. Where did this come from now?

"I... umm... Sometimes he makes me uncomfortable. He's very... I don't know..." I didn't know with what words I should be describing Jim. He just acted weird towards me and always tried to flirt.

Mr. Hyde's clenched his jaw and took off his reading glasses.

"Mhmm, always tell me if someone is making you uncomfortable. Yeah?" He looked up from the papers straight into my eyes.

"Okay. I will." I confirmed. "I should go now."

I turned around and left his office before he could see my face turn red.

Get yourself together Aimee.

And focus on your work.

I tapped my face with my palms to get the blush off my face. Since when did I blush because of his words?

Okay. It's time for me to continue with my work.


I was laying on the sofa, my mouth stuffed with chicken nuggets while Lexi was sleeping on my lap. I patted my stomach and continued searching for a movie to watch.

I heard my phone. It was on the kitchen counter. Groaning, I took Lexi, placed her on the sofa, and stood up.

A new message from... Kai? Who the heck was Kai?

Oh, wait!

Realization suddenly came to my mind. I opened the message and read it.

He was asking me on a date. What should I do? What should I say? I paced the kitchen not knowing what to do.

Evelin. I had to call her and ask her for advice.

I found her number and pressed the call button.

"Hey, Aimee." There were multiple voices in the background.

"I need your help, immediately."

"Let me go in the bathroom. My parents are here." I heard a door click and Evelin spoke again.

"What is it?"

"Umm, Kai texted me." I ran a hand through my hair. I was anxious.

"Kai who?" Evelin asked.

"Kai, the doctor. The perfect candidate." I reminded her who he is and told her what he wrote in the message.

He asked how I was and told me that my aunt gave him my contact since his mom and aunt Malissa are good friends.

"Do you want to give this a chance?" She said. I didn't even know if I was ready to go on a date with a stranger.

"You did say, that you wanted to try something new." Yeah, I did.

"Okay, maybe I'll message him back." I sighed. "I'll call you tomorrow to tell you how things went." We said goodbye to each other and she ended the call.

I walked to the sofa and picked up Lexi. "What should I do, baby? Should I give this a chance?"

She just meowed.


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