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"Let me put you down, baby. Someone knocked on the door." I placed a kiss on Lexi's head and put her on the sofa.

I was wrapped in a blanket. My hair was a mess, redness covered my nose and cheeks. My eyes were swollen and I was dressed in Spongebob pajamas.

Someone remind me to wear thicker clothes when I go out in this weather. When I woke up yesterday, I could barely get up. My body ached and I felt cold.

I thought it would go away but no, I had to stay home today. I woke up at 7 am just to call Michelle to take my place for the day.

I usually went to work even if I felt weak, but yesterday and today it's like I've been run over by a train.

Wrapping the blanket even tighter around me, I put on the slippers and walked to the door.

The only person it could be is Evelin. I didn't tell my mom on the phone that I was sick because she would have been here, giving me all types of medicine and making a big deal out of it. She was way too dramatic when it came to having a cold or a flu.

I got to the door and slowly opened it expecting Evelin to jump inside the apartment.

But on the other side was...

"Mr. Hyde?" My voice came out high-pitched like a squeak. I placed a hand on my mouth my eyes wide.

I cleared my throat and spoke again in a cool tone. "Hey, Mr. Hyde! What are you doing here?"

His eyes traveled over my body and then they stayed on my face.

"Mrs. Michelle told me you were sick so... I just wanted to check if everything was all right." Wait what? This never happened before. Why would he come all the way to here, he could have just called.

Something's happening with Mr. Hyde.

First complimenting me, then defending me from Kai, and now this.

He was dressed in a suit that perfectly hugged his body, like always. He had two bags in his hands. I assume he just left his office.

Now when I think of it, it's weird for Mr. Hyde to leave work this early.

Remembering that we were still standing at the door, I moved to the side and gestured for him to walk inside.

He hesitated for a second and then stepped inside the apartment. His presence was overwhelming.

Okay so now what? What do I do and how do I act?

He turned to me and lifted the bags. "I bought some medicine for you."


I took the bags and thanked him. I went to the kitchen and placed them on the counter. There were mango and some strawberries in the bag as well. How did he know what my favorite fruits are?

I returned to the living room. He was still standing. "You can sit, Mr. Hyde."

"I should probably go. I was just checking if you were okay. I don't want to bother you." His ears turned pink. He had his hands in his pants pockets.

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