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I was back at work.

Everything was back to normal. On Monday morning when I stepped in the building, nothing happened. Everything was the same, no one looked at me weird or whispered behind my back.

And why would they? No one knew about me and Leo. We agreed that we won't tell anyone because it was no one else's business but ours. I mean, it's not like we were going to announce it to everyone.

I only told Evelin and Leo told his friend Ash, who turned out to be the guy who was sitting next to him in the bar, when I had the date with Kai.

All of my worries and stress were for nothing.

It's been almost a month since the lake house and our relationship has been going amazing.

It helped that we worked together, we were close to each other all the time.

It's not like were not before.

Every day that passed, my feelings grew stronger. I couldn't get enough of him, of the time spent with him.

Even after work, either he was staying at my place or me at his.

I've never been to his apartment before and going there for the first time, I was left speechless. I knew Leo was a neat and organised man, but his home was on a whole another level.

It made me feel like my home was a hoarding mess. I liked my home clean but with Lexi around, sometimes it was hard to get rid of her fur.

But Leo's home was impeccable. Even walking bare feet, felt like I was going to dirt his floor.

And the view... I felt in love with it.

His penthouse was on the thirty sixth floor and the whole city was visible. The huge windows allowed city light in the rooms. His home was decorated in beige and grey colours, with expensive furniture.

What surprised me is that Leo had a library in his home. I never knew he liked reading books. The little library was magical, located in the end of the hall. The opposite wall of the door, was just glass and the other walls were covered in floor to celling book shelves.

In the middle there was a cosy chair.

The shelves were filled with classical books, which I learned were Leo's favourites.

He would occasionally read me some of them. At night before going to bed we would spend some time in the library reading on our own or reading to each other.

He would also always cook for me and spoil me in any way he could. I loved the attention he was giving me and it made me feel like I was not giving him the same energy.

"Hey, Aimee." Michelle's voice echoed through the quiet room. I spun my head around and saw her holding few papers in her hand.

Michelle was an elderly lady with short black hair and a sharp face. Her lips were always painted in bright colours and her eyelashes coated in black mascara.

She was probably the nicest person in our company and treated us like her kids. Since she was close to retirement, Leo asked her to work only some days and each day she was here, everyone in the company was in a better mood.

"Oh, hey Michelle." I gave her a smile. She placed the papers on the desk and ran a hand over her smooth straight hair.

"These are for Mr. Hyde. Nicolas gave them to me, he said that I should take them here." A frown formed on my face. Why couldn't he take them here himself or at least call me?

I didn't like how he used Michelle for his own gain. He probably knew she wouldn't say no.

"You really didn't have to walk all the way here Michelle, you could have called me and I would have taken them myself." She tapped my shoulder and grinned.

"It's okay dear. I'm not that old." She showed me her heart warming grin.

Before she could leave, the door of Leo's office opened. He stepped out, his eyes immediately on me.

"Miss Managold, I need you in my office." He said with formal voice. Acting all professional in front of Michelle. A laugh was threatening to brake through my lips.

"Of course, sir." His jaw clenched as he waited for me.

"Bye Michelle." I said. She turned around and walked away. I stood up and made my way to him.

He closed the door behind us and went back to his seat. Leaning back on his chair, he loosened his tie and with his index finger, motioned for me to come closer.

I stood in front of him, his legs spread. "Yes, sir." I tried to joke.

He rand his hand over my thigh and moved me on his lap. His eyes were darker shade. "You like it when I call you sir?" I giggled.

"Mhmm." He bit his lip and ran his fingers over my cheek, under my eye.

He inched his other hand up my thigh, his lips started prepping my jaw and neck with slow kisses.

"Wait! Someone could walk in." I tried to push him away and laughed.

"No one can walk in without my permission." He continued with his teasing. "I missed you." Leo mumbled softly against my ear. His voice making me shiver.

"I'm literally on the other side of the door." He pulled away and looked straight into my eyes.

"And? It doesn't mean I can't miss you." My skin tingled from all of the kisses he planted on my neck.

"Go on a date with me. On Saturday night." He spoke again. We haven't been on a date since we came back. We hung out but never had a proper date.

There was not much time with work and everything, so it never even crossed my mind.

"Where are we going to go?" I asked and played with the buttons on his shirt.

"It's a surprise." I turned my look on his face. His gaze was on my boobs. I tipped his chin up. "My eyes are here, sir." He smirked and rolled his eyes.

"What should I wear?" I was never good at picking up outfits for occasions. I was either dressed too casual or too formal.

"Wear a dress." Is all he said, no other detail was revealed about where we would go.

"Okay, I should go now." I tried to stand up but he wouldn't let me. "You forgot something." He squeezed my hip. I smiled and kissed him.

"Good?" I lifted my eyebrow.

"Mhmm." I stood up and walked outside. My face was burning.

I straightened my shirt and departed to my seat.

I'm kind of lacking motivation to write lately😞

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