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The old black and white movie was dragging on for way to long. But I wasn't going to complain and offered my grandparents. If that's what the wanted to watch, then so be it.

Pulling the sleeves down every few seconds, I sat on the sofa next to grandma. She was eating sweets and enjoying the dramatic gasps and cowboy like voices. Her eyes were focused on the small tv, while grandpa was laid on the chair next to the window.

Their house was small and cosy. Coming here always felt nostalgic, I had so many memories with them. Having sleepovers with my cousins, all of us laying in one bedroom, fighting, laughing, doing stupid things.

This is where I first tried cigarettes at age eleven, thankfully never got to like them unlike some of my cousins. Here I had my first kiss, yes my first kiss.

We would sneak out in the middle of the night, to meet up with boys from our high school in the back yard.

My grandparents would always be asleep so all the crazy stuff were happening at night.

My eyes flew to the picture frame that stood on top of the shelves next to the TV. It was a picture of them on their wedding day. They looked so happy, and their happiness never faded away.

I was always jealous of what they had. I wanted to have a marriage like theirs one day. To meet a person that I'll finally fall in love with.

And I did. I found Leo. He was more than I could ask for. I missed him.

I missed him so much.

Seven days have been since I last saw him. Seven days that felt like seven years. Every second was a torture. I knew I needed some space to process everything that happened, but I couldn't stand not being next to him.

Every now and then I would pick up the phone and see if he maybe texted. I knew he wouldn't, he respected my decision and for that I loved him even more.

"What are you thinking about, sweetie?" Grandpa questioned. His white hair was slicked back and he held a cup of tea in his gentle hands.

"Nothing." I lied. There was so much going on in my head right now, it was messing with my brain.

"You're thinking of your boss, aren't you?" Ughh why was I so easy to read? I was never good at hiding my thoughts and emotions.

"You should go to him. You've been here with us for the past week. I can see it's getting to you." The light of the TV was reflecting on his glasses. He was right, I was staring to feel bad for myself. I needed to see Leo.

"You'll be okay?" I said to him, raising my eyebrows in a questioning way.

"He'll be fine, honey. I'm here." Grandma said from beside me. "Go get your man. I already have mine here."

I kissed them both on the foreheads and went to get dressed. I was already in sweatpants and a hoodie, so I threw a jacket on, took my car keys and left, not before saying goodbye to them.

The whole drive, my mind was filled with nervousness and uncertainty. Different question tickled my brain.

What if he's angry?

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