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I heard hushed voices. My head throbbed.

What happened? I tried to open my eyes.

"She's waking up." A voice said beside me. Was is mom? It must be her.

"Honey, are you okay?" Slowly my eyes opened and adjusted to the lights. I was in the hospital, laying on a bed.

"I feel sick." My throat felt dry. I turned to my side and tried to even my breathing.

"It's okay." Dad sat next to me and rubbed my back in a comforting manner. I stayed like that for a while, till one of the nurses entered the room.

Apparently I passed out, but there was no injuries, thankfully.

I don't exactly remember what happened. I just know Leo was there, then I went to the vending machine to buy some water. Then there was... Kai, he was there. After my conversation with him I sat down and that's the last thing I remember.

"You go and see what's happening." Mom mouthed to dad and he left. She was trying to hide it from me but she was doing it way to obvious.

The nurse checked me and brought me a sweet drink to give me some energy.

"Where did dad go?" I pushed myself in a sitting position. My head felt like it was going to explode.

"Your boss is outside. He refused to leave until he sees you. But I told him, I have to ask you first so he's been waiting outside of the room." Leo was here? Oh God, he must be so worried.

"He looked like a mess, Aimee. He got into a fight with the doctors." She gave me a knowing look. "He really cares about you."

"I know mom." She took my hand and asked.

"Is there anything between you two? The photos..." she furrowed her eyebrows and waited for me to tell her.

"Yes, I wanted to tell you about everything, but all of this happened and... he's amazing mom. And he loves me." My chin trembled. I didn't think that I was going to tell my parents about him this way.

It shouldn't have happened like this. Leo didn't deserve this.

"I can see that he loves you. You know I just want you to be happy, honey." I nodded and lowered my gaze on my hands that looked paler than usual.

"How's grandpa?"

"He's fine. They'll discharge him tomorrow." I let out a sigh of relief. That's what mattered the most, for him to be okay.

Mom helped me take a sip of the drink and smoothed my hair back.

"Can you call Leo. I want to talk to him." She narrowed her eyes. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure." She stood up and kissed my temple. Picking up her bag, she opened the door and called Leo.

Immediately after she said the words, he flew through the door. His hair was disheveled and his shirt was wrinkled. As long as I remember, I have never seen him like this.

Leo threw his arms around me and carefully hugged me. His touch was soft and comforting.

"You have now idea how scared I was. You scared me so much, baby." I hugged him back and kissed his cheek.

"I'm okay now. I'm sorry I scared you twice today." He crouched down next to the bed and rested his forehead on my knees. I was sitting on the edge of the bed.

He caressed my legs and kissed my knees. "I'm just thankful you're safe and okay. I don't know what I would have done if something happened to you." He looked up at me.

His eyes were red from crying. "I went to the store to buy you something to eat. Just when I came back there were nurses taking you to one of the rooms. I asked what happened but no one told me anything. My heart stopped for a second." I can't even imagine what he felt at that moment.

"You're parents told me after what had happened. I'm sorry my Zaria. This is all because of me. You're in this situation just because of me."

I cupped his face. "Stop Leo it's not your fault. Actually before I passed out I..."

I was debating should I tell him or not. Leo was a calm person but I don't know what he would do if he found out that Kai was responsible for the photos.

But I had to be honest with him. There was no use in keeping this from him.

"I saw Kai. He... he was the one who hired the paparazzi. Because of him, they wrote what they wrote in the tabloids." Leo's jaw clenched and he fisted the bedsheets beside me.

"What did he say?" His voice was cold and strict.

"He said some words... it doesn't matter."

"Tell me what he said." Of course he was not going to let this go. The light brown colour in his eyes turned darker.

"He called me a whore. But please Leo... leave him, he doesn't deserve your time." Kai was mental, I didn't want Leo to get in trouble because of him.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it my way." Oh God, this didn't sound good.

He took my hands in his and placed kisses on them and told me sweet words to make me relax and feel better.

"Can I take a break from work? I want to be with grandpa. And I also... need some space. I just need to clear my head." I needed a break from everything.

"I'll call you when I'm ready." His eyebrows turned upwards in confusion. His lips parted but not a word came out of them.

"Please Leo. I really need space right now. I'm not trying to keep you away, I just... i need some time alone. I hope you understand." He slowly nodded. I wanted him with me but at the same time I wanted space. I didn't want this to affect our relationship and I didn't want to make any kind of argument because of all the mess I was going through right now.

"Okay, baby. I just want you to get better. Take as much time as you want. I don't care if it's few days or few weeks or months, I'll wait for your call." He stood up and placed a kiss to my forehead.

"Goodbye my Zaria." He gave me a tender smile.

"Goodbye my Leo." I bit my lip trying to prevent the tears from falling down my face.

He turned around and left the room not before giving me another reassuring smile.

I laid back on the bed and buried my head in the pillow and cried. I cried until there were no tears left. Cried for my grandpa, cried for my parents, and cried for Leo.

Let's hope Leo goes all Mike Tyson on Kai😅🤭

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