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age eighteen

She was kissing someone else.

Aarya was leaning against the wall while a guy was gripping her waist and they were both lost in their making out session.

My jaw clenched and I turned around, pushing my body through the crowd in the kitchen.

What was I even thinking?

Of course, Aaron was right. Yet again. And this time I had no right to be mad at him. He told me that this would happen and I didn't listen, like always.

It's not like she promised me anything, but she was the first girl I truly liked. We had math together and sometimes exchanged word or two.

Also a few months ago, when I was at Tiffany's to buy Mom a birthday present I met her there. She was alone and was looking at the bracelets. When she had to pay, her card wasn't working so I jumped in and bought it for her.

She thanked me but the next day at school she just looked my way and then continued talking with her friends.

I didn't tell Aaron about it because he would have kicked my ass for buying her a bracelet. And that would be the last thing I want to experience. Aaron was good at boxing and I was definitely not.

Somehow I got to the car and sat inside. Before I started, I let out a sigh and tried to calm down. I was getting upset for nothing.

I drove for about twenty minutes, making circles around town. There was no way I was going home and I didn't want to face Dad and Mom if they were back.

The city was alive, there were people outside despite being almost midnight. The street lights illuminated the car and I turned on the radio.

Soft, calming melodies echoed around me as I roamed my eyes around the road. Maybe I could go to Spark, a retro restaurant. It was one that me and Luna used to visit last year all the time. She said that it reminded her of some restaurant from the TV show Riverdale. Whatever that was.

The neon lights flickered in my vision. The big letters colored in purple.

It worked 24/7 and it was I guess, the only place I could go.

I parked the car nearby and got out. Fixing my shirt, I ran a hand through my hair. When I took my phone, I realized the battery was dead. Shit!

Aaron was still at the party and the last time I saw him was when I left to find Aarya and he was with Luna. I guess she can take him home if she is with her car.

I didn't have the energy to face Aaron right now. He'll chew my ears off about the whole situation.

My legs carried me to the glass door, I lifted my hand and pushed on the knob.

The atmosphere was always very calming and relaxing here. There were not too many people. Only one couple in the far end, stuffing their mouths with burgers, and then an elderly guy who had his eyes glued to a laptop screen and was drinking a milkshake.

I knew the chef here but I doubt he works this late, someone else might be now at this time.

My gaze wandered around and slid my hands into the pockets of my pants.

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