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After two months I got a bit better. Pedri and Gavi helped me a lot. I sold the house. Pedri and Gavi gave me a room.

In the morning I heard knocking.

"Good morning mi amor, you have to wake up for school" Gavi said while he was getting closer.

"Mhmm, few more minutes."

"Nonono, wake up. It's just this day and tomorrow you're free" he got into my bed and put his arm around my waist.

"Okay, I am up."

I got ready, I made for me and the boys breakfast and Gavi drove me to school.

"Bye mi princesa."

"Bye" I kissed him and went to my friends.

He always stops at the corner so people don't see us hugging and kissing. It's just better because people would do so much drama about it.

"Hi" Sara said and hugged me.

"Hi" I said.

I checked my phone and I got a text.

Pablito ❤️

Pablito ❤️
Mi amor, I know it's hard
for you rn. I am here for
you. If you need anything
just text me, okay? Have a nice
day mi princesa ❤️ Remember
that after this last day of school
you'll have holidays ❤️

Thank you ❤️

I said hi to Marco and I went to my class.

Pepi ☺

Pepi ☺️
Ams, you good?
Just checking on you

I would rather be home,
but I am fine

Pepi ☺️
Glad to hear that.
I will pick up, Gavi has
something to do

Okay, thank you

After school I went outside to wait on Pedri. I texted him where he is and I looked up and saw him. I came to him and hugged him. I could see that others were making huge deal of it. I understand why, he's famous, he's footballer and he's good looking man. That's why me and Gavi don't show our relationship.

"Hi" I said while I was hugging him.

"Hi" he opened the door for me and we left.

We talked a lot about everything and finally we were home. I started cleaning the house. I listened to music in my headphones.

Pedri tapped on my shoulder with his fingers. I got scared a bit and hi smiled. I took my headphones off .  "Hey, there's someone you know outside of the house" he said.

"Who's that?"

"I don't know. I have never seen him before."

I got downstairs and Pedri went with me. I opened the door and I saw Gavi in new car. He got out.

"Hola mi princesa" he said and kissed me.

"Hi" I said. "Why do you have two cars?"

"This one is for you mi amor" he said and handed me the keys. I was in shock.

"Gaviiii.... Nooo, you didn't... You didn't have to do this. Thank you so much."

"It wasn't just me, Pedri too."

"Thank you boys" I was crying and I both hugged them. I was so happy.

In this together- Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now