CHAPTER IV: Exploring Tokyo - Day 2

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Echizen Reina and Karupin were both in deep slumber. The two of them looked adorable, approachable, and helpless when they are sleeping, albeit saying that to their faces will cause one his/her life. Echizen was sleeping in a fetal position, while Karupin was curled up inside the area surrounded by his mistress' body.

Karupin, the smart cat, started moving after a while. He purred here and then with his claws occasionally revealing themselves. He was still asleep, and he was having an unusual dream.

"Squeek squeek"

His eyes dilated as he heard that utterly delicious sound. His stomach suddenly growled. Hungry, he followed the attractive sound eventually finding its source. He noticed that he was actually in a desert because of the beautiful white mouse that was in front of him. It was in a small area of lushness humans call an oasis. It was oddly beautiful, especially with his prey in the middle of it.

He went to approach it but, to his dismay, it ran away. He chased it, unsure if he just wanted to play with his food or if he simply wanted to follow it. Even if it was much smaller than him, it had an unbelievable speed. But, also being quick for his size, he eventually caught up with it. But just when he was about to catch it...

The pretty white mouse disappeared.

"AH!" His mistress shouted in pain as she held one of her hands with the other. He stared at her, worried. Her expression softened, sighed, and petted him. He meowed in delight before seeing why his mistress exclaimed in the first place.

"Did you have a bad dream, Karupin?" Reina asked her cat as she patted his back with her undamaged hands. Karupin sort of retracted his claw in the wrong place at the wrong time. He meowed, but not as a reply but as an inquiry about her left hand. The cat stared at the wound for a while seemingly contemplating if he was the one at fault. She just smiled at her cat's worries. "Don't worry Karupin, its no one's fault." She reassured him as he lifted him and looked at the window.

She looked at her clock; it was already 7:30am. Normally she would be wide awake this time in the morning, but looking again at her window. It was literally pouring water. No wonder she felt even lazier than usual that day.

'And it was so sunny yesterday, darned Global warming.'

She sighed.

"It looks like I'm reading mangas today."


Breakfast that day was Japanese. Reina preferred Japanese food more than anything, hence making the dreadful morning a bit better.

"Gochosousama..." She said and went up to her room to take a bath. After her nice warm bath, she slumped on her bed and started reading her favorite manga of all time: One piece.

She even got one of her matching stuffed toys beside her just for the heck of it.

*One hour later*

"W-WHAT?" Reina exclaimed as she looked at the last page of the manga again. She was standing up now. "That's it?" She complained. She checked again. 'Same as before...'

"What the heck - THAT WAS THE BIGGEST CLIFF HANGER IN MANGA HISTORY!" She shouted, unsatisfied.

She lied down on her bed. Rolled all over it, thinking of what would happen next. 'Shikusoooo' She cursed.

Yes. She was obsessed with this particular anime/manga. If her father had his magazines, her mother with her cook books, and her brother his clothes; she had her 'one piece' collection (and Karupin).

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