CHAPTER VIII: Meeting the other regulars- Part 2!

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"Say 'AH'~" a smiling Fuji ordered Eiji to open his mouth as he raised his chopsticks holding a rather large serving of sushi that contained a humongous amount of green substance in it. The red-head was close to tears at the moment, and was violently shaking his head and was tightly covering his mouth in a vain attempt for self-preservation.

"Yadda!"He exclaimed with his hands still protecting his mouth. He'd already eaten three Fuji-standard wasabi sushi today and he just knew he would die if he consumed another one.

"Eiji~ You shouldn't refuse a blessing when it comes to you." Fuji lectured with his eerier than usual smile on.

'What do you mean by BLESSING?' Eiji squeaked at Fuji internally. He looked at his friend who was trying to murder him.

There was no change in expression. His eyes widened.

'He's really trying to kill me!'

Fuji sighed.

"This is the last one, I promise." he smiled, but Eiji tried his best not to soften up.

"You know... you should start taking responsibility for your actions, Eiji. You're not a kid anymore." Fuji slyly commented at the scared human cat. Eiji's expression turned serious- suddenly determined to take his friend's challenge head-on.

Eiji gulped before reluctantly taking his palm away and shakily opened his mouth.

But as soon as his tongue touched the green substance, he himself turned green. He coughed and hastily looked around for water. Everyone already drank theirs, to his horror, squealing in despair. He cried and stood up as fast as he could and ran outside to the nearest fountain- only to find himself tripping several times along the way.


Most of them reflexively leaned down at the sound, but just sweat-dropped afterwards. Momo look at the vice captain, Oishi, in curiosity. "What was that about?"

Oishi shrugged as he did not know- nor did he want to. He stared at the door a little worried about his doubles partner, but he knew the Eiji wouldn't die.

'He'll come back alive... right?' He asked himself for reassurance, but to his despair nothing came.

He shook his head dismissing morbid thoughts, and turned to look at the kouhai who asked the question. "What about you? Why didn't you show up this morning?"

"Didn't I send you a text?" Momo replied doing his best to hide his anxiety.

Oishi nodded. "Yes, you did. But what could 'I can't come to morning practice, I'm playing with my idol.' mean?"

Momo cringed. He sent that message as soon as he accepted Ryoga's offer since he didn't know Ryoma wanted to keep his family a secret. He quickly rummaged his brain for lies, he was lucky that Tezuka wasn't there with them yet so he was able to do so.

"I-I was listening to Yiruma, my favorite pianist. I was playing with him using the piano at home." He managed to utter. Good thing his sister actually played the instrument and that she liked bragging about it.

"Sugoi, Momo. I didn't know you can play." Kawamura kindly complimented the younger teen, effectively making the liar believe in his own deceit. Kaidoh frowned.

"Fssshhhhh. He's lying." Kaidoh stated in his usual harsh tone of voice. A vein popped on Momoshiro's head, and he was pulled away from his flattered daze.

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