CHAPTER VI: First day of school - The Second Half

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It's the sound that was heard precisely at twelve noon.

'Wait. WHAT? It's already lunch time?' Reina thought in disbelief as she continued to stare at the wood with '2-B' embedded on it. She was doing so since she got there, too shocked at the fact that she was on the 3rd floor when she was aiming to go to the 1st.

Her thoughts those times varied from 'This must be some sort of miracle' to 'When I buy a house I'll make sure it's a bungalow'.

As she stood there looking stoic but frozen, the door slid. The sound of a human snake woke her up from her daze.

"Fssssssssssssshhhhhhh" The human snake said, making Ryoma stare at him. It took a moment for the human's face to sink in. The human snake was tall, had jet black hair, and had a very unsettling stare.

'He looks awfully familiar... It feels like I've seen him not long ago...'

"Fssssssssssssshhhhhhh" He said again, now glaring at the little kid in front of him.

"EEK!" some random guy behind the human snake squealed in fear for the small boy in front of their classroom door.

Ryoma just stared back. The human snake's eyes twitched, intimidated. But human snakes have pride!

So soon enough, it became a glaring contest.


Ten minutes later, they started to sweat. One of their eyes jerked from time to time and they started thinking curse words directed at their opponent, hoping like hell that cursing could kill.

They gathered quite an audience by that time, and everyone was quiet. There was a tense atmosphere surrounding that certain segment of the corridor. No one was talking, all of them barely breathing.

Until they heard a rather... embarrassing sound simultaneously coming from the two's stomachs.


Both of them blinked in surprise.

"PFft-!" and they couldn't help but chuckle at the timing of their greedy stomachs. But, even with the contest ending, the audience remained silent albeit for a different reason altogether. Everyone gulped at the sight.

Kaidoh Kaoru never smiled... let alone CHUCKLE!

That... and the brave kid simply looked even more adorable when he smiled. Several thoughts scattered in the air across the corridor.

'USOOO! Kaidoh could actually smile!'

'That kid is so freaking CUTE!'

'An angel came down from heaven! Kaidoh laughs! OMG! OMG! It's going to be the end of the world! OMG! I'm not ready yet!'


As if hearing those thoughts Kaidoh frowned and glowered at everyone. "Is there something to see here? SCRAM!" he growled making the audience squeak instantaneously. He cursed and swiftly walked away.

Ryoma smirked, amused at what just happened. She looked up on the ceiling for a moment in remembrance of a certain memory just a few days ago. 'Tezuka's descriptions were dead-on... and the way his eyes move when as he was telling me about them... '

'Considering how indifferent Tezuka-san looked...I bet his friends have no idea just how much he cares for them.'

She smiled at the thought.

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