CHAPTER V: First day of school - The first half

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ECHIZEN HOUSEHOLD, a few minutes after midnight

It was a cold Monday night in Tokyo and its inhabitants were already in deep, deep slumber.

Well, most of them anyway.

Inside a certain temple... a couple and one of their children, were all in the kitchen wearing serious expressions on their faces. They were looking at a box placed on the counter.

The mother of the household tapped her foot at the rate of 50 taps/s on the temple/house's wooden floor as she irritably pointed at the clothes inside the box. "I don't like this. I don't like this. I don't like this!"

"None of us do, except maybe Reina." Her husband stated as he nonchalantly closed his eyes and stretched his jaw. His jaw was numb from being 'unjustly' gagged and tied up along with his son (by Rinko), and getting locked up in a closet for 3 miserable hours. Apparently, she caught them in their deranged states before they execute their 'harmless' plan on a certain honey-brown haired boy on his way home.


"Don't breathe damnit, Oyaji! Reina would sense you!" Ryoga vehemently whispered to his father who was positioned right next to him in their 'hiding spot'. They were trying to peek on the two figures talking in the doorway. His father's breathing was bloody noisy, and not to mention it smelled like dead rat.

Their 'hiding spot' was uhh... just the corner of the temple/house. If one looked at their direction, even if they were hiding completely in the corner, you would still see their feet. They were approximately 9 meters away from the door, so at least they could hear the conversation clearly.

The two watched the exchanges intently. And by the end they concluded that there wasn't much to worry about. But, when the two of them were going to leave for fear that someone might catch them, the closed-eyed brat suddenly took Reina's palm and kissed it.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Both of them screamed simultaneously. The two teens were taken aback by the sudden appearance of the two retards. They didn't recognize them immediately because of the noise they were making as well as the odd gestures that they were doing.

One of them had his hands up at one moment then started pointing accusing fingers at the boy while the other one has both of his hands in his eyes muttering something as he crazily shook his head.

It was the younger one who was still shaking his head in denial, and it seemed that he'll be doing so for a while. The older one, on the other hand, was the one who was pointing fingers and shouting frantically. "C'mon, Reina! W-Why don't you beat him up already! Just l-like the last one!" Reina just stared at them, not knowing what the heck he was talking about.

Her father, misunderstanding her silence, went closer to tears. 'My... My Reina... *sob*" and he crouched to the ground and started mumbling sad, sad words.

Fuji 's eyebrows were initially really high above his head, due to various reasons, but then regained composure and smiled in understanding. He let go of Reina's hands and stated that he'll be going home. Reina nodded, waved goodbye, and went inside ignoring the two figures that was then lying on the dirt. But as soon as the door shut, the two instantly got up and went for their scheming-squatting-whispering position in a corner, right below a stand-alone statue in front of the house, letting its shadow envelope them.

For a few minutes they planned. One occasionally nodded as the other talked and vice versa.

"So, do you still have the tranquilizer gun I gave you on your 16th birthday?" Nanjiroh asked his son. The boy grinned sheepishly. "Of course, Oyaji. Who do you think I am? I've been maintaining it for 'situations' like this."

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