CHAPTER III: Exploring Tokyo Part 1

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Disclaimer: I WISH I own Price of Tennis



It was still sunny, much to Reina's closed her eyes and everything went quiet. All she heard were the beautiful birds singing their songs, as well as the relaxing sound of rustling leaves. When a leaf landed on her face, she opened her eyes and switched to another mode of past-time:

Staring blankly into thin air.

She watched the clouds pass by for a while and waited for her eyes to hurt. It didn't take her long to get bored, and so she decided to take a little stroll around the park. Her mother did ask her to come back before dinner and she was planning to do just that. The clock said '10:30am' hence there was plenty of time to spare.

'What to do... what to do...' she chanted as she wandered around. She noted that the vending machines were quite far apart from each other...

'I wonder how many Pontas each of them have.' She pondered automatically, used to the first things that she thought about.

After thinking (and making some rough 'calculations') about the quantity of Ponta in each vending machine, she decided to walk around and watch ongoing tennis matches. But her eyes left the courts practically as soon as she laid eyes on them.

'What boring matches...' she mused disapprovingly, and rightfully so.

She continued to walk around hoping that she would encounter something interesting.

Then, she heard it.

It was the sound made by a tennis ball and a tennis racket when they make contact at precisely the right places, at precisely the right moment. With that, she knew immediately that she was walking towards an amazing player.

Tezuka Kunimitsu was bored. It was Saturday and he would've preferred that he stay home. He still had quite a bit of work to finish before Monday, the start of classes.

He was planning on doing his assignments in academics, student council, and fixing certain issues in the tennis club. Yes, he had a lot of work to do. Wasting his time outside, when he should be doing other things, and hitting a tennis ball for an hour on the wall could be quite stressful.

What was his mother thinking?



"La~Lalalala- Awchoo!" A pretty woman with silky brown hair wiped her nose, soon returning to cleaning the floor. She sang again, quite in a good mood. She did something good that day.

She smiled.

She, Tezuka Ayana, was 45 years old and was getting younger. At least, that's what she believed...

Ayana was one of those people who believed that age depended on a person's state of mind. So yes, she WAS getting younger. She was a now a very young woman, indeed!

Well..., compared to her son, anyway.

Kunimitsu was his grandfather's favorite, and was raised by him for most of his childhood. The old man believed that she wouldn't be able to raise his grandchild the way he wanted to, so he took the liberty to take him into custody until he was 13 years old.

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