She's a Cool Girl

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"She opened the door and I stared at her a bit nervous to say anything but when I finally mustard up the strength and I was barely able to talk."

~ Hello excuse me sorry to bother you but I'm your next door neighbor Cara I wanted to finally meet you and I brought a cake over to talk a bit cause the music is kind of loud and bed is on the wall so when the music gets loud it rocks my bed and dressers. Stuff starts to fall off the dressers and stuff.

"I wanted to say that at least but the only words that left my mouth was."

Hello my name is Cara it's nice to finally meet you.

???: Oh Hello my name is Sakura but you know that but most people call me Kitty., Well that's my stage name but I pretty much got my name changed to it but it's nice to meet you come in come in.

"The music was turnt down and she let me into her house as I remove my slides and start to walk around her house barefoot, Looking around at her apartment. I then placed the Cake onto the counter and she would go and grab two plates and cups as I looked more around the apartment. I saw a lot of photos of her and her band mates. She looked so happy and cook with her outfits and she seemed to be rockstar from the outfits I was seeing."

Kitty: The Cake and refreshment is ready I hope you like strawberry milk I tend to drink it a lot cause I love the taste so, I hope you don't mind that haha.

No no it's fine haha I don't mind that at all I usually drink strawberry and banana smoothies a lot before and after my jogs so it doesn't bother me one bit.

~ I sat down and had a slice of the cake finally, Kind of weird busting sitting here with a stranger even though I just came here to tell her off but I have to be kind first so I don't come off as a bitch I don't wanna give her the wrong impression of me.

"I sat down and took the fork and started to eat the cake slowly while looking how cute she was it honestly was really shocking how beautiful she was it stunned me looking at her. She caught me starting and let out a cute giggle."

Kitty: Hi there hehe can I help you ?

Oh my god was I staring at you!! Im so sorry that's so embarrassing!

"I covered my face in embarrassment not wanting to look back at her as my face was as red as a cherry. She giggled some more and put her fork down."

Kitty: it's ok haha but what did you come here for I know it wasn't to feel embarrassed and be this cute so what's sup miss Cara.

"I worked up the courage to tell her what was going on so their wasn't any problems and I embarrassed myself anymore than I already had."

Umm im sorry but we've been living next door to each other for awhile and it's our first time actually getting together cause most times im heading to work or coming back and we only say hi and go on with our lives but I work for a publishing company and I get up real early and....ummm how can I put this....ummm

Kitty: Haha let me guess my music is too loud isn't it ?

Yes! sorry I mean yes..

Kitty: No no it's fine I got it for the other neighbor at one point but they moved out 2 months later so I didn't have much to worry about so I just thought you didn't care about the music, But I can totally sing quietly next time sorry.

Wait that's you singing?

"She had took my plate and her plate to the sink and washed them off with a smile."

Kitty: Yeah I am a lead singer so most times I try to figure out new styles of singing sorry about that forgive me

~ This girl is amazing she's been singing this entire time for a almost a year I would have never guessed she was this talented.

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