Chapter 8: Rematch

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Marinette POV

As we arrived at Agreste Manor, we saw a large group of akumatized thugs led by none other than Sasori and Shadow Claw. They smirked as they saw us while we got into our stances.

"Well, well. Looks like you two got an upgrade. Too bad they won't protect you from our akumas." Shadow Claw gloated.

"You underestimated us for the last time, Adrien. A mistake you're gonna regret." Spider-X said.

"You've abused your powers for too long, you two. Relinquish them now!" I added.

The army of akumas laughed at our comments. Sasori held up the spider miraculous and put them on, revealing Nikki. Spider-X's body tensed up as he saw his partner.

"Sahara. Nikki. Unify!" Sasori called and her outfit swapped into a mix between her and Spider-X's.

"Now, I have both your powers and mine, Spider-X. What will you do now?" She gloated.

"Beat the living shit out of you until you're a bloody mess." He growled.

"You're alone. You can't beat us." Shadow Claw taunted.

"Who says we're alone?" I said.

As if on cue, The Avengers, S.H.I.E.LD agents, the web warriors and the whole of Paris appeared behind us.

"Let's take back Paris from Hawkmoth, everyone!" Mayor Andre called.

"YEAH!" Everyone cheered.

As the two armies clashed, Spider-X and I made our way towards Shadow Claw and Sasori. Sasori fired a barrage of webs from her web shooters, but missed thanks to our reflexes. I hurled my yo-yo at her, but it was deflected by Shadow Claw. Spider-X used his pincers to knock back Shadow Claw, who used his own claws to parry them. I snapped a kick at Sasori, but she caught my leg with her scythe and threw me towards a statue. As I got back to my feet, I saw Spider-X blocking attacks from Shadow Claw, only to be kicked to the side by Sasori.

"Face it. You can't beat us." Sasori said.

"Give it up." Shadow Claw added.

We got up and entered our stances. The duo darted towards us and unleashed a flurry of attacks at us while we defend ourselves the best we can. Sasori used Stinging Burst on Spider-X, stunning him and allowing Shadow Claw to slash at him with his scythe. I used my yo-yo to pull him away, allowing Spider-X to launch a sound grenade to stun them. I looped my yo-yo around Shadow Claw's hand and pulled him towards me, punching him in the jaw and knocking him back. 

Sasori darted towards me, but didn't see Spider-X drop kicking her in the stomach. As she recovered, I ran towards her, hopped onto her shoulders and threw her to the ground with my legs, knocking her out.

Shadow Claw darted towards me with his staff ready, but Spider-X grabbed him with is webbing and slammed him to the ground

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Shadow Claw darted towards me with his staff ready, but Spider-X grabbed him with is webbing and slammed him to the ground.

Shadow Claw tried to crawl away, but Spider-X pinned him down with his webs and stomped on his hand, breaking the ring and freeing the akuma

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Shadow Claw tried to crawl away, but Spider-X pinned him down with his webs and stomped on his hand, breaking the ring and freeing the akuma. I used my yo-yo to catch it. Instead of purifying the akuma, the yo-yo electrocuted it.

"Wow. Maybe I could keep this. Just in case." I said.

"Guys! More akumas are showing up!" Ghost Spider called in our earpieces.

"We'll come and help." Shayne replied.

"No, go after Hawkmoth. Tony's gonna need your help. We'll be fine." Kid Arachnid said.

"He's right. If we keep defeating the akumas, more will show up. We have no choice but to stop Hawkmoth." I said.

"Alright. Let's go." Shayne replied with a nod and went inside the mansion.

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