Chapter 9: The Final Battle

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Shayne POV

As we made our way into the mansion, my spidey senses started acting up and I pushed Ladybug to the ground, dodging a cataclysm beam fired at us. There, we saw Hawkmoth wearing a black muscular bodysuit with red and black spots on the arms, torso, legs and tail. His gloves have purple claws on the tips.

 His gloves have purple claws on the tips

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"Ah, the infamous Bug Duo. Welcome to my crowning achievement." He said.

"Give it up, Hawkmoth. It's over." I called.

"I think not, Spider-X. As you can see, I have the power of both the ladybug and black cat miraculous. I have the power to recreate the world in my image. Now, my dream can be fulfilled." He said with a crazed grin.

"You're insane. Doing this would destroy the world. All of reality will cease to exist." Ladybug replied with a shocked tone.

"You lack the drive to do what is necessary. If you wanted to save Paris, you would've used the miraculous to do so. Created a world where nobody would lose their parents to thugs or crimelords! The world would be a better place." Hawkmoth responded.

I felt my heart sink as I heard Hawkmoth's response. If my father never died at Kingpin's hands, I wouldn't have found that spider which gave me superpowers. Then, I would never become Spider-X. I shook my head and glared at Hawkmoth.

"No, Hawkmoth. You're wrong. There's no such thing as a perfect world. There will be tragedies, losses and even death. The world may be full of cruel people who are full of greed, anger, revenge and malice. But, there are some who are willing to make the most of their lives. The world may not be perfect, but that doesn't mean our actions don't matter. For if there is a great power, there must be a great responsibility. 

You, Hawkmoth, abused your power and failed your responsibility. Your time in the sun is over." I responded.

Hawkmoth scowled with anger at me, gritting his teeth.

"From the day you arrived, you've been a major thorn in my side, Spider-X. Now, I will enjoy squashing you like the bug you are!" He roared.

"Take your best shot, Old Man." I quipped.

We darted towards each other. Ladybug hurled her yo-yo at Hawkmoth, but he deflected it with his cane and swiped at her, forcing her back. I fired my webs at a wall behind him and zipped towards him, only for him to kick me back. As I landed onto the ground, I saw that Ladybug and Hawkmoth were trading blows until he stuck the base of his cane onto her stomach, stunning her , and kicked her aside. 

"K.A.R.E.N.! Ricochet web!" I shouted and fired my webbing him, which bounced off the wall and landed on his face.

Ladybug saw the opportunity to attempt to remove the ladybug from him, only for Hawkmoth to recover and backhand her across the cheek. I darted towards him and kneed him in the back, knocking him back. Hawkmoth growled and used the Lucky Charm to summon a large sword. I used my pincers to block and parry the blows until he managed to slash my stomach. Ladybug stepped in and used her yo-yo to ensnare Hawkmoth, electrocuting him with a taser.

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