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During the time the younger healed up, taehyung would come almost everyday not for jihyun but for the younger instead

They stayed up talking on the phone as jungkook giggled then taehyung would tell him small jokes just to hear his giggle

They fell asleep on the phone together as their bond grew stronger and closer than before they enjoyed spending time with each other


Jungkook was healed up from his black eye and bruises smiling as he got in the shower and got ready for his first day of work at the older's office

The younger got out after a few minutes as he got dressed then brushes his brown hair smiling to himself looking at himself in the mirror

Jungkook was already on his way out holding his motorbike keys and helmet smiling to himself until jihyun stopped him

" Wow, little man whore is heading to work "

" Excuse me jihyun " Jungkook says walking passed her

" He will never be someone like you! Taehyung is my husband you traitor to this family! "

The younger got on his motorbike putting on his helmet as he heads out. Once he arrived, he noticed it was much bigger than the Jeon company

" No wonder jihyun wants to marry him.. " Jungkook says to himself parking his motorbike then heads inside

Meanwhile with Taehyung, he was in his office as his mother kept talking about the wedding to him

" Mother, I don't care about this. You and jihyun go "

" This effects you too! It's your wedding after all! But it seems this past month, you've been losing your head! What's gotten into you?! "

" I- "

As a knock was on his office door, the older sighs softly

" Come in "

The door suddenly opens as the older was surprised then his mother looks in disgust

The door suddenly opens as the older was surprised then his mother looks in disgust

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" I hope I wasn't interrupting anything, please excuse my manners "

" Well you brat-! "

" No! You were not interrupting anything! Wow.. " Taehyung says smiling

" I'm sorry why is the mistake of the Jeon family here? "

" Mother! I apologize for her, Come here. Mother leave I'll talk to you later "

She scoffs leaving as the younger heads over to the older then taehyung looked at him

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