❧ 9 ☙

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After a few days, the younger got used to working alongside the older he really enjoyed it and was comfortable working with him

They got comfortable with each other too enjoying each other's company. During a meeting, jungkook knocked coming in giving the older the paperwork he needed

" Here you go " Jungkook says smiling

" Thank you " Taehyung replies as the younger was about to leave smiling then taehyung poked his waist really quickly just to startle him

Jungkook turned back around heading to the door laughing

" You're not getting me twice! " Jungkook says running out as Taehyung chuckles softly watching him leave before continuing the meeting

After that, the older was smiling until he saw his mother as his own smile faded rolling his eyes

" Great.. "

" There you are, taehyung. We have a dinner party with the Jeon family tonight "

" The complete Jeon family? "

" Of course, your fiancé and her parents "

" Mother, you know what I meant "

" Oh that mistake isn't a Jeon, never will be "

Taehyung crosses his arms gripping them slightly angry then sighs

" Fine, I'll be there "

" Good boy, before the dinner party starts I want you to go home and get dressed then go buy some flowers for jihyun "

" Yeah, Yeah " Taehyung says then heads inside his office crossing his arms going to his desk

After work, the younger sets everything for tomorrow then goes to the parking lot holding his helmet

Taehyung noticed him about to leave himself then heads behind him with a small smile before getting pulled back by his mother

" What do you think you're doing? "

" I was going to talk to my assistant, why'd you pull me? "

" Because you'll be wasting time talking to him, let's go " She pulls her son to his car

" But- "

Taehyung saw the younger already left on his motorbike then the older looks saddened before getting in the driver side as his mother got on the passenger side

They arrived home after a few minutes then the older's mother picked out his clothes

" I'm going to go get your fiancé's flowers so you can give it to her, do you know what's her favorite flowers? "

" They're tiger Lilly's " Taehyung says with a small smile as he thought of the younger

" Got it, I'll be back soon "

The older decides to get in the shower and he moves his wet hair back out of his face feeling the warm water drip down his muscled chest

The older stepped out after a bit then dries himself with a towel getting dressed looking at the mirror seeing himself before leaving

After a few hours, Taehyung and his mother head over there as she held the flowers then they arrive as they get out

" Also do you not embarrass me like you did last time! " His mother says

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