❧ 28 ☙

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The next few days, Jungkook's parents along with jihyun set up a meeting in the company as they waited for the younger

" That traitor! Doing this to his only family! " Mrs Jeon says

" Tch, I knew he was a waste of time to this family! He doesn't even deserve the Jeon name! " Jihyun says as well

Jungkook walks in hearing all the insults but he just had a grin on his face trying not to laugh then he sits in his seat with his legs crossed laying back

" Oh my so called parents are here, I wonder why? " Jungkook says

" Jungkook! How could you do this?! This company rightfully belonged to jihyun! " Mr Jeon says

" You do realize that Kim Jihyun, was losing money and this company would've committed your downfall and for the employees that work here. "

" You're a liar! I saved this business millions! " Jihyun says angrily

" Let me recall correctly " Jungkook says taking out a folder opening it as he reads out loud for them " Jihyun has wasted over seventy hundred thousand dollars on stupid useless items when that money was for the company to keep standing. "

" That's not true! You're just lying to make me look bad! "

" You're making yourself look bad, by mother and fathers reaction they were unaware of this " Jungkook says laying back as he picked up his whiskey glass before drinking it

" Jihyun, what on earth did you waste that much money on?! "

" Mom, he's a liar! "

" She wasted it on designer shoes, bags, clothes and jewelry " Jungkook says

" Shut up! Nobody was asking you! "

" That's not all, your precious little girl is a no good whore "

Jihyun stands up angrily as her mother held her back then her father was angry as well

" If we're talking about whore, you slept with her husband! "

" I could've easily taken her husband if I already wanted to, Kim Taehyung would easily leave jihyun, but not exactly what I'm talking about. " Jungkook slides photos over to them as their mother picks it up

" Jihyun, what is this?! "

" Jihyun sleeping with another man that's not her husband " Jungkook says with a small laugh

" no that isn't real! He made those fake images of me! "

" I had a few men follow you I guess you were too stupid to figure that out. It's sad you have to get your sexual frustration out by using other men when your husband can't get hard without thinking about me "

" You're the actual whore here! Shut your mouth! " Jihyun says

" You know that man you had in your hotel room, he actually has a wife and a kid. Hope you like being a step mom "

" Enough jungkook! What does this prove! "

" It proves that your favorite perfect child is nothing but a used up whore now if you both are done, I'm leaving " Jungkook says while standing up

" Are you trying to get Taehyung to leave me?! You think he'll believe you over his own wife?! "

" Here's the thing, I already sent him the video " Jungkook says with a smirk before leaving then walks passed security " Get them out of my sight. "

" Yes Mr. Jeon "

They escort them out as jihyun's eyes widened looking down at her wedding ring

" No.. Taehyung's gonna divorce me! Mom do something! " Jihyun says

" I can't believe all this time this brat was capable of this.. I should've left him to die "

After a few hours, Jungkook was at home reading through paperwork as someone knocked on his door then hoseok was his housekeeper opening it then letting the older inside

" Jungkook, we need to talk " Taehyung says

" Leave us please " Jungkook replies to hoseok as he lets them talk privately

" What you showed me, was that real? "

" Yup, did you enjoy seeing your wife as whore she is? "

" Well it wasn't enjoyable, but I'm slightly relieved that she's getting what she deserves " Taehyung says

" Why are you here? Wait, how did you know where I live? "

" I found that out on my own, I wanted to see you after what you sent me "

" I didn't want to see you again yet here we are, so why are you really here? " Jungkook says placing his paperwork on the table

" Jungkook, I'll be filling for divorce so I really want us to work.. I've missed you "

" No, you think as soon as you file divorcé everything's okay?! It's been a year, taehyung I don't know if I even want to be with you after being with her! "

" I know and I'm sorry but this could be a fresh start for us, a new beginning just us two " Taehyung says getting on his knees infront if the younger grabbing onto his hands before kissing them

" This time, I want to make you the happiest man alive.. I want to marry you, have a family with you, grow old with you. I'm sorry I didn't realize it sooner how much I love you and how much I want to be with you "

Jungkook shoves his hands away from the older moving away from him sighing in slight annoyance

" you don't get it.. you don't love me, Taehyung. You like the attention I give you.. you say all these things but I want you to prove that you love me.. you always say that you care for me but you don't show it, you haven't changed.. now please get out.. "

" I'll prove to you that I love you jungkook, I promise I will just give me some time okay? "

" My patient is running low.. get away from me.. "

Hoseok escorts the older out before locking the door then jungkook slides down the wall holding his knees sobbing softly then hoseok heads towards him hugging him tightly caressing his head

" It's okay, I gotcha " Hoseok says making him feel better smiling as he held the younger closely

" Thank you hoseok.. " Jungkook replies smiling softly

As taehyung got home, he headed inside saying hello to yeontan then jihyun heads towards him

" Hi honey, how was- "

" I want a divorce, jihyun. "

" what?! "


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